Could you hold this for me?

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This one is about Hide (Tokyo Ghoul).
Because he's a little sunshine and i love him.
Please let me know if there are any, like, really horrible language mistakes or whatever😅

Love, Zigreth♡

P.s.: this is kinda not so good and also short. I'm sorry😅 but in my defense i didn't write anything for like a year or something... oof.

Reader's PoV

The second I woke up, I was annoyed. It might have been the sun shining a little too bright. It might also have been my clumsy ass being too incompetent to get out of bed which resulted in me falling facefirst on the floor. A great way to start the day, really.
But the cherry on top really was that I didn't have the ingredients to make my favourite kind of pasta at home. So I had to go outside. Outside to buy groceries. On a day that started out as horrible as this one?
Something bad was going to happen. I just knew it.

So off I went to the nearest store. Just kidding, the nearest store sucks. Naturally, I walked all the way to my favourite store in the next district. I knew they had everything I would need and I thought taking a little walk might be good for me. You know how people always say that you need some fresh air? Yeah, that kind of stuff was my plan for the day. Surprisingly, it went pretty well. I got everything from fresh tomatoes to my special ingredient.
'It might just turn out to be a good day afterall,' I thought. Unfortunately, this also led to me being a little inattentive.

'Being a normal person is fun,' I continued thinking while strolling through the streets. 'No, wait. That's not a normal sentence,' my thoughts drifted off.
As I tried getting my thoughts back on track I bumped into someone. Both of us fell to the ground and many items were scattered on the ground. Many more than the ones I had just purchased.
'Great. I knew this was a bad idea.'
I shook my head a little to shake off the thought.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Asked the person I bumped into. It was a blond boy in a yellow jacket. He sat in front of me on the ground and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah, I'm okay... and sorry, too. I should have just looked where I was going." I quickly tried to get up and collect my things. The boy did the same.
When I was done collecting my things I got up and thought about where I'm headed etc. when he spoke to me again.

"Hey, could you hold this for me?"
I did not think about his request at all. Instead I just held my hand in his general direction without even looking at him.
In retrospect that was a weird choice of action but I did it anyway.
But then he had the audacity to just put his hand into mine. He stood up and looked at me with a the biggest grin.
"Was that your idea of a pick-up line?"
I was a little confused but mostly amused by that behavior.
"It worked, didn't it? By the way, I'm Hideyoshi Nagachika. You can just call me Hide!" He continued smiling brightly at me.
"I'm (F/N) (L/N). So is this how you usually introduce yourself to people? By making them hold your hand?" I chuckled slightly.
"Only really cute ones," he started smirking and walking, dragging me along.

"You realise that I can't go the same way you are, right?" Hide stopped walking to look at me. "Right," he laughed a little, "I didn't mean to drag you along, I'm sorry. But how about we meet again some time? I wouldn't want to just never see you again."
I thought he was cute, too, so we agreed to meet in a little cafè called Anteiku on the coming weekend.

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