Chapter Two

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After 15 minutes I got "home". I was greeted by a smirking Kasey.


- why are you so happy? - I asked annoyed

- Oh please, tell me the rumors are true... - she said till smirking, I seriously wanna ripped that stupid smirk off her fucking face.

- what are you talking about? - I asked confused.

- everybody is talking about you finally leaving, please tell me you're actually leaving 'cause I can't stand seeing your disgusting face another day. - she said with a grimace of disgust.

-I don't know what are you talking about, I'm not going anywhere, sorry for the disappointment... - I said and ran to my room.

What the hell is she talking about? I'm not leaving. Where would I leave? I'm stuck in this place. Someone knocked at the door.

- who is it? - I asked finishing putting on my hoodie. The door cracked open and Ashley peeked a little, smiling.

- Hey baby - she greeted.

- Hey Ash - I smiled at her

- Ready? How do you feel? - she asked entering in my room and seating next to me taking my right hand in hers.

- honestly? - she just nodded - I'm pretty nervous, I... I'm not sure about this anymore... I'm scared - I told her keeping my eyes on the ground.

- Everything's gonna be fine, trust me - she said kissing my head. - she's very nice and she's so excited for meeting you. - she said rubbing my back.

- really? - I asked a little bit happy.

- Yes! Now, ready? - she asked getting up and stretching her hand.

- Yeah I guess - I smiled weakly at her while reaching her hand and walking out of my room.

We got downstairs and there was a woman sitting in the couch we have in the living Room.

- Dallas, I'd like to introduce you to your sister Danielle, Dani this is Dallas, your oldest sister, baby - Ashley introduced us letting go my hand.

- Oh my God, look at you! You're so beautiful! - Dallas said while hugging me tightly. I hug her back.

- Hey, I'm Dani - I said a little shy. she pulled away scanning me up and down.

- haha I'm sorry baby, I'm just so excited, I'm Dallas - she said smiling wide and grabbed my hand.

- haha it's okay I'm excited too - I said starting to relax.

- we should get going, I'm starving - Ashley said smiling at us.

- okay - we replied and walked to the car, 20 minutes later we arrived at a restaurant and ordered our food.

- So... - I said trying awfully to make a conversation. I was a little uncomfortable, Dallas was just staring at me.

- I'm sorry darling, it's just... it's ridiculous how much you look like Demi, you know, when she was younger. - she said smiling.

- really? - I asked blushing.

- Yes! You look just like her, I'm kind of jealous - she faked a pout.

- hahaha why? - I asked laughing.

- well she's probably your favorite already - she said Crossing her arms and feigning anger.

- hahaha nah, you're cooler - I said laughing.

- I know, right?! - she said joking.

A waiter brought us our food, and we ate while happily chatted, then we went back to the orphanage. We entered in the living room and I turned to face Dallas.

- this was one of the best days I've ever had, thank you Dallas - I said hugging her. Then I pulled away and asked her - Are you coming back to visit me?

- Actually baby, there's something I want to ask you... - she said getting serious.

- it's something wrong? You're not coming again? - I asked a little sad.

- What? No baby, it's not that, of course I wanna see you again. - she said, I relax.

- So? - I asked her curious.

- I should better wait in the office, this is something between you two - Ashley said walking away.

- let's seat baby, c'mon - she said leading me to the couch, we seated and she took my hand.

- Baby, the thing is, I want you to come live with me, and before you say no, please think about it, I already lost 15 years of your life and I am not losing more, the family knows about it and they're so excited, they definitely want you to come... I want you to come... - she said looking deeply in my eyes.

Hello!!! Haha thanks for reading guys, means a lot to me

So I'll be updating more tonight probably or tomorrow, idk... here's my instagram @Zemilovatomalik and my twitter @zemi_love.

Love, Danielle

The Unwanted *A Demi Lovato FF*Where stories live. Discover now