Chapter 1

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One dark night a woman was driving home from her shift at Norfolk Naval base in Washington D.C at about 12:00 midnight when her two front tires popped, so she got out of her truck to check the damage. When she looked at her tires, she found what had popped them. They appeared to be bullet holes made by a M87 sniper rifle, so she started to reach for her gun when all of a sudden she heard a loud blast of a gun going off and felt a bullet rip through the soft flesh of her gun arm preventing her from shooting the sniper. The woman heard one final blast of the gun before a bullet tore through her soft tissue straight into her heart. The woman went down never to get back up again.

The morning had a crisp, cool breeze blowing through the air at the NCIS building in the Norfolk naval base, as a man walked into the building. The man had medium length darkish brown hair, probably in his mid 40's. He was wearing a light brown jacket over a navy blue t-shirt, and jeans. He was wearing black sunglasses over his green eyes. He went through the scanners that helped protect the NCIS building. After he was checked, the guards, posted there, let him through. He went to the elevator then pushed the floor number he was going to.

When he got to his floor, he stepped out of the elevator. He realized that Gibbs was not at his desk, but Timothy McGee was or as the man called him Tim, Timmy, or McGeek. McGee was sitting at his desk typing away at the computer. "What are you doing McGeek?" asked the man. "Nothing Tony", said McGee, "What do you want

Tony?" asked McGee. "Oh I'm just curious Timmy," said Tony sneakily.

Just then Tony heard the elevator open. He turned to see a blonde woman with blue eyes walking out of the elevator. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt and jeans. "Hey Probie," said Tony. "Hey Tony, hi McGee," said the woman walking over to her desk and sitting down. "Oh hey Bishop," replied McGee still typing on his computer. As McGee was typing on his computer, Tony walked up behind McGee to see what he was doing. When he saw what McGee was doing, Tony started walking away from McGee laughing. Tony turned around and said "Really McGeek you're on a dating website." McGee then looked up past Tony. "Gibbs is right behind me isn't he?" asked Tony. "Yep," replied Bishop. Tony felt Gibbs slap him in the back of his head. "Boss, I was just saying how Timmy was on a dating site at work," said Tony. "Oh really, good for you McGee," said Gibbs. Then Gibbs's phone rang and Gibbs answered it. When he ended the call, Gibbs said "Grab your gear." "Where are we going boss?" asked Tony grabbing his gear. "Forest, near Quantico, we got a dead Navy lieutenant," replied Gibbs getting into the elevator.

When the team arrived at the scene, it was blocked off with police tape. The team got out of their cars and walked towards the scene. Bishop was stuck carrying Tony and McGee's gear. Soon another car pulled up to the scene. Two men got out. The elder of the two appeared to be in his mid 60's while the other man looked to be in his early 20's. "Mr. Palmer would you grab the gear so I can tend to the poor girl?" asked the older man. "Of course Dr. Mallard," replied Palmer going to the back of the van. "So Gibbs, where is the victim?" asked Dr. Mallard. "She's over there Ducky," said Gibbs pointing to where McGee was snapping photos of the scene. When Ducky saw the poor girl, he looked at her with pity. "My dear girl what has he done to you?" asked Ducky in horror. The victim had blonde hair, blue eyes and there was a bullet hole in her arm. Her torso had been sliced open and her guts had been pulled out of her body as if the killer was looking for something. "Hey Boss, I think you should see this!" yelled Tony. Gibbs walked over to where Tony was. "What did you find?" asked Gibbs. Tony held out a paper that he had found. On it was a message written in blood. It said: "My fun is not done. Three more shall die before you find me. Each of them will die differently then this girl so I can have more fun. Catch me if you can NCIS. P.S I'd watch your new Probie, Bishop. It would be such a waste if she were to be, I don't know - killed."

Signed D

When the team finished going over the scene they packed up and drove back to headquarters. When the team was inside, Gibbs pulled Tony aside. "I want you to watch Bishop. Keep her safe just until we catch this guy," said Gibbs. "Alright," said Tony. Gibbs's phone started to ring. He picked it up. "What do you need Ducky...alright I'm on my way down," said Gibbs heading down to Autopsy. Tony walked over to his desk. "What are you doing Tim?" asked Tony. "I'm looking up our victims records, address and living relatives," replied McGee.

When Gibbs got back, he asked what they found. "Ok boss, our victim is First Lieutenant Grace Gonzalez. She has one living relative, her brother, who is on the terrorist watch system. She is married and has two girls, both 12. She has a clean record. She has never even had a parking ticket, and she lives on the base at Norfolk at 4166 Quail Dr," replied McGee. "Ok, Dinozzo. McGee searches her house. See if you can find anything that might help us find out why Gonzalez was killed," said Gibbs. As they were walking out, Gibbs got a call from his forensic scientist Abby. " Wadda ya got Abbs? ... Ok I'm on my way down." said Gibbs.

When Gibbs got to Abby's lab she was typing on her computer. Abby has black hair that she puts in pig tails. She has a white coat on over her black shirt and leggings.

She wears black lipstick, and has the tattoo of a spider and its web on her neck. She also wears a black choker around her neck. Abby turned around. She jumped when she saw Gibbs. "I have just about cracked the chip that Duck..." Abby was interrupted by a ding. Then all of the lights went out but the computer screen was on. There were words forming on the computer screen. It said, "I have her Gibbs. I have Bishop. Come and find us if you can." Then the screen went blank and the lights turned back on. Abby was staring at the screen in shock. Gibbs was running towards the elevator trying to call Bishop. "Hello" answered Bishop. Gibbs talked to Bishop then hung up. Then he thought of something. "Oh no, Abby!" said Gibbs in horror. He ran as fast as he could back down to Abby's lab but he was too late. She was gone. Gibbs looked at the ground and saw blood...Abby's blood. He saw a message appear on the screen of Abby's computer, " You should have been careful. Now your missing a part of your team Gibbs. Find us if you can Leroy Jethro Gibbs." Signed D

"Abby's gone," said Gibbs, " and its my fault."

Will he find her?

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