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A loud crack of thunder caused Taehyung to flinch lightly in his sleep but he did not wake up explicitly because Jungkook covered his ears right on time concealing the sharp noise from reaching the older's ears,

Taehyung continued to nap like a child with Jungkook's hand placed on the side of his head to prevent him from suffering the sudden jerks caused by the moving vehicle,

His hair delicately fell on his face and Jungkook couldn't help but play with his long hair, and before he knew he was holding a lock of his braided hair between his fingers as his other hand now fiddled with his bag searching for a purple hair tie that he kept with himself so preciously for a reason he never remembered but now he felt as if he could give it away without a regret,

He carefully moved his fingers to tie the hair tie around the end of the braid he had created to prevent it from opening and smiled with a reason he did not understand, but felt it very strongly in his heart as butterflies fluttered in his stomach while he starred at the raindrops that fell on the glass window of the bus and the moon that trailed their path familiarly now hid behind the clouds, the light from the lightening glowing up the autumn night sky. 


It was still raining when Taehyung reached his house, he felt puffed from all that running he had to do to not get soaked in the rain but all of his efforts were in vain because at the end his clothes were soaked and he was freezing due to the cold air around him,

He chuckled as he searched for his keys when he remembered how the younger offered his raincoat but he declined and ran believing that he could make it, he finally found his keys and managed to get the door to open  not wasting any time in closing it shut,

He carefully removed his shoes that were wet and placed them aside before entering the warmth of his home, his hands trying to remove his now wet coat which was stuck to his slender frame,

"Taehyung ah you are shivering!", Jimin said, his face laced with worry as he ran towards Taehyung along with Namjoon who had towels in his hand,

Taehyung accepted the towels happily and wiped his face, "Thank you hyung I will go and change into some dry clothes", He smiled as he walked towards his room to change internally feeling happy to see his two closest childhood friends together at home. 

He removed his wet clothes and wiped the water on his skin with the towel and then grabbed a t-shirt and baggy yet comfortable pants to wear as he moved his hands through his wet hair only for it to get stuck, his sleepy brain thinking it was just a knot left it alone and he proceeded to wear the clothes he had taken out, 

After wearing his clothes he walked towards his dressing mirror to grab his hair dryer to dry his hair, he was about to switch on the machine when he notices a braid on his wet hair and he felt his entire world still as a creepy feeling of deja vu engulfed him, 

He started to hear voices that shouted his name desperately and in reflex he dropped the hair dryer from his hand and covered his ears, rashly removing the hair tie that held his braided hair and threw it away before he ruffled his hair to remove the foldings of the braid, he felt the voices stop as he stared at the mirror in front him, 

"Tae are you alright?", Namjoon asked as he entered the room only to find is best friend who stared at him dumbfounded and the hair dryer fallen on the ground now broken, 

"It's nothing Hyung the hair dryer slipped from my fingers", Taehyung  as he picked up the hair dryer to place it on the dressing table, 

Namjoon stared at him momentarily and then smiled at Taehyung who smiled back glad to not be alone after what just happened. 


Taehyung felt his head ache as he entered the campus grounds the next day, he felt feverish,  sleep deprived, and was almost about to stay at home and rest but he remembered that he had to submit his work to his professor today itself and now here he is, 

Jungkook did not speak a word as he saw taehyung's state and let the older sleep on his shoulder the entire ride towards their campus, the younger frowned as he remembered how much he tried to convince the older to take his raincoat yesterday but instead Taehyung ran away in the pouring rain saying that he was gonna be alright, 

And now he watched the older stagger as he walked towards his professor's office holding a large case that he used to keep his project in, the younger knew how stubborn the older can be so he silently followed him, 

Taehyung entered his professor's office oblivious to Jungkook that was standing right behind him and closed the door,  

Jungkook just stood there and tried to hear the conversation happening inside, he heard the professor's fatherly voice that accepted and praised Taehyung's work and started to give some advices on how he could improve and then dismissed him to which the younger quickly reacted by moving away from the door to make it seem like he wasn't just listening to their conversation,

"Hyung are you alright?", Jungkook asked the older who visibly flinched and snapped his head towards him, 

Instead of questioning the younger he just looked at him and smiled brightly and gave him a light pat on the shoulder to assure him he was just fine but the younger knew better than that so he insisted that Taehyung should at least go to the infirmary and get some medicine, 

"Come on hyung my first class is after an hour anyway", Jungkook explained pleading the older to listen him to which he agreed with a smile. 

Jungkook just sighed as worry laced his mind, he knew Taehyung wasn't actually alright and was gonna find the reason why. 


Taehyung's head had stopped aching after his small trip to the infirmary, but he was still sick so the food was tasteless when he ate it causing him to pout as he chewed his rice, 

"What is the matter Tae Tae?", Jimin who sat beside him asked in a low voice, 

"I had a fever and now the food is tasteless", Taehyung explained causing Jimin and Hoseok who heard him and laughed out loud, Yoongi gave him a look of sympathy knowing that feeling very well,

Taehyung smiled as he watched his friends chatter making his lunch even more merrier, yesterday's events still bothered him but he did not feel alone as he ate his lunch, lightly chuckling at Hoseok who stole a bite from Yoongi's tuna sandwich, and laughing even harder when he saw Yoongi catch Hoseok and curse at him. 

Jungkook didn't fail to catch that boxy smile of pure happiness that lightened up the older's charming face, he felt pure bliss seeing Taehyung laugh with everyone, causing him to laugh even harder along with everyone,

The seven boys lighting up the dining hall with their pure smiles became the most precious thing for anyone to witness that afternoon. 


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