Chapter 10

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Not to call you a bitch but they gon' hate on my bitches

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles
July 4
Los Angeles California
2:47 p.m.

"Come on, me and you, we need to talk." I said to Onika. I walked in the house and when I saw that she wasn't following me, I held onto the door with it open. "Come on now."

"No! What the fuck was that?! Who the fuck was that?"

"You want me to explain so bad but won't come yo ass in the house so I can explain. Make that make sense."

She rolled her eyes but came in the house anyway. She slammed the door.

I don't think she knows how sexy she is when she's mad.

As soon as I went inside her room and closed the door, she was yelling at me. "That's what the fuck we do?! Beyoncé-" she started laughing with her fingers on her temples. "Are you fucking stupid?!"

"Gotta be 'cause I don't know why you're so angry."

"You don't know why I'm so angry?! I feel the exact same way you felt when you thought I was about to give Matt some pussy."

"It's not the same thing."

"How the fuck not?! He had his dick on me and she had her lips on you. I feel the same way you felt."

"It's still not the same thing. This situation is different."

"HOW?! Tell me how it's different."

"The situation is different."

"I don't wanna hear that again Beyonce. Just tell me how it's different."

"She's the reason why I didn't want to have sex with you or do anything with or to you. She's my ex."

"Why is she still around then? And why are you dating Bloods? What's wrong with you?"

"I guess I always seem to attract women I'm not supposed to be with. Like you."

"Why is she still around?"

"I think she has some type of emotional connection to me because of the whole baby situation."

She started laughing again then punched the shit out of her wall.


"I'm trying not to punch you in the face, I'm trying not to go off on you. Why do you keep talking like I know what the fuck you're talking about? What baby situation?"

I tried to get close to her but she just backed up until she was on the wall.

"Stop. Move back. I will punch you."

"Don't be mad."

"Yeah, you really gotta back up 'cause the moment you start telling me not to be mad, I'm going to be pissed. Move."

I backed up with my hands in front of me. "I got her pregnant while we were in a relationship-"

"Oh! Get out."

"Shut up. Let me talk." When she didn't say anything else, I continued. "Like I was saying, I got her pregnant while we were in a relationship and I obviously didn't want it. I didn't want to be responsible for a child at the age of eighteen. I had just turned eighteen too. So denying all of her attempts, I asked her for a paternity test. She was gonna do it and I knew that but I kept stressing her about it and stressing her about it until she miscarried. You know how they tell you that too much stress can cause a woman to lose her child? That's what happened."

"On purpose? You knew she was pregnant and you knew you weren't supposed to be stressing her and you did it excessively because you didn't wanna take care of your responsibilities? Really?"

"It didn't happen on purpose, I promise but I'm not gonna lie, I was relieved that it did. I wasn't ready for a damn kid."

"Y'all broke up after that?"

"Yeah. I broke up with her."

"Wooow! I really can't believe you."

"What? She started showing her true ways. After losing the baby, she wasn't sad either. She even tried to get them Blood niggas to jump me but as soon as everybody found out, they didn't show up. I didn't see her for a minute then when I started to date this one girl named Jayla. Isa popped up out of nowhere and shot her dead. She did that three more times with three different girls so I just stopped dating. Tried to stop girls from getting killed and here you come. So we gotta stop."

"We're dating?"

"That's what you got out of ALL of that? You serious?"

"No but I just wanna know."

"Even if we were, we're not anymore."

"You think I'm scared of some punk ass bitch from around the way? That's not even how shit happens around here. I'm not scared of her, you shouldn't be either."

"I'm not. She won't shoot me. It's the girl beside me who she shoots."

"I don't know how to feel. I don't know if I should leave you alone for what happened between you and he-"

"See? Listen to yourself. You gon' leave me alone over something that happened not between you and I but between me and her."

"Weren't you just pushing for me to leave you alone?"

I placed my hands on both sides of her head along the wall. "You know I'm not gonna leave you alone, nobody is gonna experience what you do to me. I don't want you to get hurt though."

"Nobody's gonna get hurt but you know now, I can't just be the one you're fucking. We both know you aren't like that."

"How you know what I'm like?"

"You act like my cousin doesn't talk about you."


"So this automatically makes me your girl or you gon' ask me?"

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"


"Alright come here." I picked her up and she held my neck as I kissed hers.

"Stop." She moaned. "Both of our aunts are outside that door."

"We already got caught once, what's two more?"

"Two more embarrassing explanations."

I let her down but kept her where she was. "What about my dick? This muthafucka not going down 'til I get some cheeks."

"You're definitely not getting cheeks but I got you."
Just a lil post because I'm tired and I wanted to give y'all another update. I really do spoil y'all. Wow🤦🏽‍♀️

These whores are finally together. Since Isa is a whole situation, do you think Nika will get shot down like the other girlfriends?

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