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At restaurant

Taehyung's point of view

Soojin is just so beautiful. I can't stop looking at her. But I know I should because she'll think I'm creppy.

"Good evening, I reserved a table for two here on name Kim Taehyung." I said on reception.

"Your waiter will come here in a seconds, just wait a little bit, thank you in advance!"

When waiter came, he leaded us to one fancy table on the balcony with the view on the ocean.

"It's so beautiful here." Soojin spoke.
"Thank you for this really." She said once again.

"Everything for you." I muttered under my breath hoping she didn't heard anything. I'm so stupid like yeah. "No problem really,, this is the least I can do for our meeting." I said this time louder.

"So how's life going?" I asked.
"Pretty well, we're preparing for our comeback and Soyeon unnie said she has a collab on our side track called IDOL, with Namjoon hyung, Hoseok hyung and Yoongi Hyung. I'm honeslty looking forward to it. That's going to be dope!" She said with happiness and excitement. I really like happiness on her. It looks so good on her I could actually say.

"That's nice! Can I know name of your title track?" I asked in hope. My fanboying side didn't let me shut up.

"Nah-ah sir, I know you're fan of our's but you'll have to wait two months more." She said laughing.

"Well, if I waited for two comebacks till now I can for third too!" 

"Sure you can!"

And that's when waitress interrupted us: "Here is your dinner Ms. and Mr.,have a nice dinner!" We thanked her and she left.
Not to mention everyone in this building was signing up a document for not letting media nor filming me and Soojin here and leaking it to public. I was not ashamed or anything like that. I just cared for Soojin's and her groups carrers. They have a long path to go.

Soojin's point of view

Taehyung is actually so nice! I mean I knew it but still. His jokes are pretty funny and he isn't making me uncomfortable. A pretty meeting I'll say.

After few words and sentences we exchanged, waitress came with our dinner. When we finished he said we're going somewhere again.

He took me to my favorite ice cream parlor! How sweet. They even had prepared for me my favorite flavors! How even- I'll ask him later.

"Bring few for Shuhua." He said it and winked at me. I was so so flustered. I'm going to kill that little shit.

"What do you mean, bring few for Shuhua?" I asked and laughed a little bit. That was half nervous laugh.

"Jungkook told me about your bet when we finished our chat yesterday. It made me laugh so hard." Taehyung said.
"By the way, your face looks like a tomato, and chill, this was a meeting, don't be so flustered." He said in his soothing voice once again.

"But you know we can go on an actual date if you want." he said calmy.

I choked on my ice cream. Kim Taehyung asking me out on a date on our "date". Someone must be joking me. What did I do in my past life to deserve this? Saved a country?

"S-sure, w-why not?" I said. I still couldn't believe.
"Tomorrow,, I'll pick you up when your schedule is over since we have day off tomorrow."

"Right, my schedule ends at 4pm so if you want then, I'm free." I was actually screaming inside but I managed to stay calm.

"Alright tomorrow at 4pm is it?" He asked once more.
"Yes, deal!" I was so happy.

We got in car and he drove me home. When I started to get up he stopped me: "Thank you for today, I really appreciated it." and with that he pulled me a little bit down and kissed me on a cheek. "Good night, sweet dreams." He said once more and drove off.
I was standing there. Speechless. No words. It felt like my affection to him just grew bigger. I might like him.

I've heard whisper-screaming behind me. I knew it was Shuhua.
"He kissed you on a cheek! He did it! I knew he will do it!" She was jumping around like every time Taehyung will do something.

"Yes, yes, he did, now let's go to bed it's already 11:45PM" I said tiredly.

That night, I fell asleep thinking about Taehyung. Cliché and sad, but true.

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