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Everyone stared at the back of the road, still wondering what the butler is up to, obviously except for Ty. "Quentin, continue conducting the carriage" Madam Nonsense commanded as the butler did as told.

The amphibian held on to the ropes and rose them a bit, and quickly slapped it down to the mane of the horses. They whinnied in pain as they galloped away in the streets.

"I'm guessing, you trust your butler because he has been serving you for your whole life-"

"Wrong," Ty interrupted Shine's thoughts. "Adam has only served me for 2 years so far"

"Ah, it's quite amazing you are getting so much trust towards him" Shine commented with a smile. He stared out the window and studied the people of England, walking around the streets.

About 20-30 minutes passed in the trip to reach the house and Ty was growing bored. He sighed and looked out the windows. The carriage came to a halt as he looked out the large familiar building. Shine opened the door for Madam Nonsense and Ty and they walked out. "We're back!" Shine exclaimed opening the door to the manor.

"Except we came late because Quentin took the wrong way!" Madam Nonsense complained and glared at her amphibian butler. Adam came around a corner and smiled at them. "Ah, you finally came"

"How long have you been here?!?" Shine asked with a surprised look. "Quite a while actually, luckily I had time to make tea," Adam replied "Today we will be having black tea with European Pear and Blackberry Buckle"

"Hold on, how are you here that quickly when you're suppose to be looking for suspects?" Quentin asked as Adam took out a list from his coat pocket. "Well, I caught quite a few suspects in this list," He answered "Want me to read them all?"

Quentin nodded his head as Adam unrolled the sheet as it reached all the way towards the floor, or more possibly! "I think I choose the wrong decision..." Quentin mumbled.

Adam listed the people as Madam Nonsense stared in shock of all of the crimes, names, and more information written down on it. Mostly it took around 5-10 minutes to read it all.

"And finally Herobrine..... Not much huh?" He said finishing off the long list that contained about 52 people on it. Madam Nonsense was shocked and she smiled nervously. "Wow! You should be a detective for Her Majesty!" Madam Nonsense commented.

"Well, I wouldn't think she'd like a butler like me," Adam said "After all, everyone has their own secret reasons"

"Now then, shall we discuss about the suspects at Tea time?" Ty suggested as they all walked towards the living area once again. The tea sets and food have already been prepared and organized, they all set down in the large coffee table in the center of sofas.

Madam Nonsense, Shine, and Ty took a seat and waited for Adam to serve them. "Now then, I believe I have found a true suspect on the list for various reasons," Adam commented opening up the note once more and scanned through it. "Where is he...Where..... Ah! Here we go! Apparently our head suspect is Lord Gizzy Gazza"

Madam Nonsense placed her finger on her chin and snapped her fingers. "I've heard of that man before! He would always hold parties at this season for the good of it! Rumor says he pleases any woman of all ages, and he does something to them that they will always regret....."

"Umm, not to take it the wrong way, but are you talking about...." Quentin commented as his voice trailed off. "Sex?"

Ty was about spit out his tea, but began coughing violently. "No! Not like that! You sick minded freak! Look what you have done to Ty!" Madam Nonsense hissed as she looked at her coughing nephew.

"Young master!" Adam yelled as he rushed towards him and patted his back, even if the tea went to the wrong tube. "Damn!" Ty said through his coughs, trying to calm himself down from it. His lungs tried to get all the air it needs, but the struggle of his throat didn't let a single liter. Soon, the liquid ran down his stomach as Ty breathe for air and tried hard not to throw up.

"Young master...." Adam said holding on to Ty's shoulders. "I-I'm alright..... Thank you" He said breathing heavily. Adam smiled and cleared his throat. "Now as I was saying, our head suspect is Lord Gizzy Gazza, there has been many rumors about this man about holding parties every week, being a woman magnet, over dramatic, and has a thing about woman and selling parts of them," He explained "I believe we will need to find more information about him, luckily he is holding a party today and we will attend to it!"

"Except who is gonna be bait?" Shine asked as everyone slowly turned their heads towards Ty. He rose an eyebrow and removed the fork out of his mouth, "What?"

"This shall be good..." Shine said.

"I'll get the dress" Adam added.

"I'll get the corset and decorations" Quentin replied.

"Oh I always wondered how it will feel like to have a niece instead!" Madam Nonsense cheered.

"Umm, guys? This isn't funny!" Ty said as Adam dragged him towards his room of the house. "Come now young master, I'll help you put on a dress"


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