Part 2

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"So how'd it go down with Moira earlier?" I hear the accented voice of Sombra ask from around the corner.

She pokes her head around it with her eyebrow raised. 

I stared at her for a moment. "She asked me some questions. I answered them. So I guess it went okay." I replied with a shrug.

"What did she ask you?" Sombra leaned up against the wall.

"Oh, you know, the usual stuff about my wings and mask." I responded, giving my wings a little fluff. 

"Well, you must have said something compelling, Moira wants to see you again." She crossed her arms. 

"Right now? I was just about to go talk to Widow- er... Amelie." I sighed. 

"I would see Moira first, I can inform Widow why you'll be late." Sombra said.

"Thanks." I said as I began off. 

"No problem."

I swept my hair behind my ear and sighed. As I made my way to where I assumed Moira would be, I could feel the weight of my wings. They were becoming heavy from all the walking around and there was little room in the hallways to use them. I looked into each of the rooms, almost walking by Moira's lab. Her neat orange hair had caught my attention before I walked by. She had her back to me, not turning when I walked in the room. She seemed to be quite focused on whatever was in front of her. I could even hear her mumbling to herself incoherently.

"You wanted to see me again?" 

She jumped slightly when I spoke. 
Was I really that loud?
She swiveled her chair around, sighing in relief when she saw me.

"Ah Dahlia!" She put her hands together and crossed her legs. "Sit."

I had a feeling I knew why she wanted me back here. 
I eyed her while I shook out my wings before sitting down. Her eyes were locked onto them as they moved, but she directed her attention to my face when I stopped. 

"So why did you want to see me?" I curiously asked, trying to make my wings comfortable in the chair. 

I was curious. I mean, what else could she possibly want from me?

"I did some research- is it true your wings are stitched on?" She sounded pretty excited when she asked, then added quietly to herself. "Though that's really not scientifically possible." 

I let out an embarrassed chuckle. "Yeah..."

"Can I see?" She then asked. "The stitches?"

I felt my whole body grow hot and I shook my head. I could feel a tingly sensation in my wings. "No, I'm sorry..." I muttered out pathetically. 

She frowned. "I apologize. It seems that was rude of me to ask."

I didn't say anything, though mentally agreed. 

"But, would it be okay if I studied the wings." She asked. "I promise I won't touch the stitches, you don't even need to move." She added quickly. 

My wings were squeezed tightly against my back so hard, my stitches were starting to feel sore.

"Sure." I said.

I didn't meet her eye as she approached. I didn't stand either, unfolding my wings and stretching them out to their full size. Moira was holding a notebook, scribbling something down, her eyes flicking from the page to me. I watched her as her pale hands reached towards my feathers. I braced myself for whatever pain I was about to feel. Her fingers lightly grazed my feathers. I was surprised when I didn't feel anything painful. Her touch was so gentle, I barely felt it at all. 

"So pretty..." I heard Moira remark under her breath.

I didn't say anything and continued to watch her study me. After a few moments, she closed her notebook and stepped back. She placed the notebook on her desk. I pulled my wings back in slowly. 

"Oh. I'm not sure if you are aware-" She picked up a nearby clipboard. "You've been put on this list for our next mission, along with me, McCree, Genji, and Reap- uh... Gabe." She seemed to choke out Gabe's name after the mistake.

"What are we doing?" 

"We are, and I quote, 'capturing a high ranking member of the Talon organization.'" Moira replied, putting the clipboard back down.

"When?" I asked.

"Hm... either tonight or tomorrow morning." She paused. "You should probably get ready."

A wave of anxiety washed over me. I flung out of my seat and headed straight toward my room to get ready. Amelie will have to talk to me some other time, I just hope whatever she needed to tell me wasn't too important. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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