20 - Demons

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"I usually don't say things like this to you, but you're fucking stupid. This is a damn suicide mission that there is no coming back from." Just then, I felt my whole body tingle and I fell. Next thing I knew, I was midnight.

"You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about. I'm too strong for her to die. I can save her life. If I can resist the urge to kill or harm, then I must be a fucking badass." She explained.

"I fucking doubt it! You are way too new to this to know that Signe is more powerful than anyone else! She kept Signe's name just to blend in more when she was out. She will kill you. She didn't want Jack until she saw he was happy again. You will die and so will (Y/N) and I don't want that for either of you. I love you both too much." He ended with tears in his eyes. I called Dark and told him to get here as soon as possible and sure enough, he did.

"Why the fuck is he a part of this?" He asked while pointing to Anti.

"For fuck's sake!" Midnight screamed, "Can't you two just get along for this short time to save your god damn sister?" Dark's eyes went wide.

"It's about her?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes." Anti and Midnight said at the same time.

"Fine," He said. "How can I do anything."

"We all just need to work together to protect her. Either way, someone in this situation is going to die. Even though I enjoy death as much as the next person, I really wish it didn't have to be that way. For our sake though, let's hope we lose Signe and not (Y/N)." Anti said. MIdnight then left and I returned. I had a black eye. Jack said that this happens sometimes. The demons are painful and powerful. They don't mean to do it, but sometimes they do.

"What did you do to her, you asshole?" Dark screamed at Anti while jumping to conclusions.

"Nothing! I love her as much as you! I wouldn't hurt her. You know what we do when people have rarely experienced as coming out." Anti yelled back.

"Bullshit." He said swinging his fist. An all-out fistfight broke out between the two. Before I could stop them, Mark had a black eye just as I did and Sean got a bloody nose.

"Work together! You two are best friends in real life so at least be cordial to each other now." I said. They both calmed down, neither apologized, but I didn't expect them to. They fight like children. It's ridiculous. They both went back to who they really were, but now it looked like Mark would be staying with us for a few days.

"Hey Amy, I won't be home for a few days. I'm at my sister's. It's a long story. Yeah, love you too. Bye." He said then hung up the phone.

"I missed you!" I said. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. We all talked and he gave Jack one of those man hugs where they grab hands and pat each other on the back. Now that I knew what was happening and what I needed to be afraid of. If the demons were all scared of her, then I definitely should be. I decided to try to ignore this for as long as I could since my brother was here, we all decided to go to the movies to see Avengers: Endgame. We got our popcorn and walked into the theatre. Jack had to go to the bathroom during the movie and through him being gone, I had to go to before he came back, but I wasn't prepared for what I saw when I walked out.

"Sean?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

(A/N 636 words. I know the chapters aren't super long, but I've taken the long break to prepare chapters so they will be on the regular update schedule now. Thank you and have a great day!)

Update Schedule
Sun. - None
Mon. - That's Life
Tue. - Double Trouble
Wed. - That's Life
Thu. - His Daughter
Fri. - That's Life
Sat. - Double Trouble or His Daughter (only one)

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