Dance Central 3: Glitch Love Story

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Hey guys I know that I'm writing two stories at once so. Well I felt like starting a second one with Glitch from Dance Central Because his my favorite character to dance with.


My name is Katelyn Rose Smith, but my friends all call me "Techno" for two reasons: one because I'm what some people call a geek, nerd, or Computer whiz , but my school calls it a techie. Reason number two is because of my and my partner's style of dance. My dance partner name is Jessica Shadow Smith. Her mom adopted me when I was 11, and I'm 13 but my birthday is in two day and always landed on the start of the Dance Central Competitions so I couldn't go ad see Glitch and Mo of Hi-Def in the competitions. Jessi said that she had a special surprise for me and that we have to drive to get to it. So I was packing for the trip which we had to leave tomorrow at noon. I packed all the things I needed to and things to keep me quiet during the long 8 hour drive including: My laptop, My phone, high-tech watch that I made, a pillow, a cover, and Tiny-box Tim that I built. We packed everything in the car so that we didn't have to do it tomorrow. After that I went up stairs, changed and went to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm and got dressed. "Katelyn, did you remember to pack your dancing outfits?" Jessi called from the door.

I nodded clearly excited,"So, can you give hint of where we are going?" Jessi shock her head "no".

We all piled into the car and started headed toward where ever we were going. I put my ear buds and started to listen to my usual Techno music and laid my head on the window to fall asleep.

~Time skip to the secret destination~

"Katelyn, wake up and look where we are" My sister said. I opened my eyes to a large hotel and there were dancers in the parking lot. "Where are we?" I asked in shock. My sister looked at me with a smile on her face ," This is where all the dancers that are entered in the Dance Central compatitons stay at." I looked at her with a ear-to-ear smile."Does that mean we are entered to?" My sister smiled at my excitement."And I made a friend. You know Mo right." I nodded."Well, we are sharing our pent house with them." I started bouncing up and down with excitement.

We got all of our stuff up to the pent house, and I started setting up my recording equipment. (Katelyn has her own YouTube channel) "Hurry up with that. Mo said that they are on their way up here," my sister said. I didn't respond and she didn't have time to argue because the elevator opened at the two dancers stepped out. "Hi, guys sorry about my sister she still setting up her recording equipment. Glitch looked up and smiled " So I hear that your sister is a techie just like lil' Glitch 'ere,"Mo said with a smirk on his face. Jessi nodded ,"Yeah, so I bet the two will get along just fine. Let me go and get her." Jessi walked back into my room and looked shocked at what she saw,"How did you fit your office chair in your bags?" she yelled and Mo and Glitch walked over to my door way. I looked up ,"YOU DON'T KNOW MY WORDS OR WAYS," I yelled. Glitch actually got the reference and started to laugh. "Glitch looks like you are going to have to share a room with Katelyn," Mo said. Glitch looked up at his partner,"I'm fine with that," he walked over to the side of the bed that didn't have any bags and set his down.

My sister and Mo left us alone. Glitch who I didn't know was even there walked over to me and asked,"Do you need any help?" I looked up and nodded yes. He sat down and helped me finish setting up. "Thanks for the help," I said. He nodded admiring my computer. I look at the window and then at my phone," Is it that late already?" I asked. Glitch said," Yeah, we best be getting ready for bed." I nodded and walked over to my bags to get my clothes, and I picked out something to sleep in. While I was walking to the bathroom near the living room, my sister stopped me," Soooo, is he nice? Do you like him?" I looked at her," What way do you mean?" She smirked," As in a boyfriend kind of way." I blushed," I just met him." I didn't let her say anything else and walked to the bathroom and changed.

I got back to my room before Glitch was done changing in the bathroom so I laid down in the bed and fell asleep. Only to be woken up by Glitch coming out of the bathroom, but I kept my eyes shut and pretended to sleep. When he got in the bed, he rapped his arm around my waist and we fell asleep like that.


Sorry its short but I was hoping to end it where the fell asleep.

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