Part 1

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Gossip girl: Hey Upper East siders Gossip girl here, and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91 , sends us this: "Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, Serena Van Der Woodsen." Was it only a year ago our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for...quote "boarding school" and just so suddenly she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves, lucky for us Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo Mel.
Alexis's P.O.V
I was at Blair's party when I got a gossip girl blast, Serena? She's back this is bad, B was miserable when she left without telling anyone I mean who wouldn't S was B's friend they had their ups and downs but they are best friends."Blair, if your going to wear one of my designs, tell me so we can get it probably fitted."I heard I knew that voice, it's Blair's mother Eleanor Waldorf, a huge fashionista she creates dresses and stuff like that.I walked over to Blair and her mother."Thanks mom. I'll keep that in kind, Great party" she finishes, I go and speak "Hey B, look um I have to go, I have a thing to get to for um my dad" I fumbled out trying to find the right words so I could go quickly out."Wait, your leaving why? We still need to eat, come on please don't leave me alone" she said desperately trying to make me stay"Sorry B, I have to go I'm going to be late" I finish, and go and hug her goodbye Before I get to the door I get stoped by the one and only Chuck Bass with prostitutes all around him.Gross.
" Hey lexs, leaving so fast?" I turn around and face him" hm. Chuck yes I am, I don't need your remarks right now I need to get going.
" I quickly say and walk out and head to.The Ostroff Center.I know why would I be going there well I had a drinking problem two and a half years ago, my parents knew what was best for me and sent me there and I went willingly. I needed to get back in my game, become what my mother and father want me to be. After about a ten minute walk I finally get to the Ostroff, I look around before I walk in to the receptionist desk.
"Ah Alexis your here right on time, come on I'll get you Dr. Mariah, you can go into the room, ok?" I smiled and walked towards the room. I got there and sat quietly
"Alexis, how are you today? I didn't expect to see you here today you're all fine" Dr. Mariah said questioning my presence
"Well, I.I feel the need to drink again and.. I don't know why, if it's because of all these drinks being around me or my friends drinking all day long, well mostly Chuck." Saying that sentence was hard as it is but going through all these sessions was crazy
"Yes, it may be hard to not drink but don't let you guard down, your guard is protecting you from damage and that damage is the alcohol it may be crazy but fight that urge to drink, you've been going clean for two and a half years keep it going, your mother and father are very proud of you." After she finished, we talked and talked to get me trough this. That session had lasted for about and hour or two, I said goodbye to Dr. Mariah and walked out of the room. The craziest thing happened I stopped in the middle of the walkway to see Serena Van Der Woodsen, ten feet in front of me. I talked first
"Serena, what are you doing here. I heard you got back from boarding school, how was that?" I had all these questions to ask but I held it in till she spoke.
"Oh hey Alexis, yeah you know volunteering to help those kids." She said enthusiastically
"Boarding school was great" As Serena finished, she asked the same question as I.
"So what are you doing here L." I froze at the question, she can't know what's going on, what I've been doing here oh god she might blabber our to everyone so I lied
"Oh you know just helping out, not much." Oh jeez that was stupid..
"Well I'll see you later S" I quickly said to get out
"Yep, see you at school " she said and quickly walked away. I walked out of the center and to my house (a/n: you can search up penthouses and stuff if you want) and up to my room.

 I walked out of the center and to my house (a/n: you can search up penthouses and stuff if you want) and up to my room

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