Picking up the Pieces

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Chapter 7
"Where the fuck are we goin' tonight," Riley asked her favorite cousin as he parked his truck in the front of her childhood home.
"Let's just go to Cat Nips and shoot some pool cause I'm not gonna get any ass til I can get this shit fixed", pointing at leopard looking dye job that she had given him earlier that day.  "Yeah, that's why you can't get fucked!" Riley exclaimed, punching him lightly in his arm as they walk to the back of his truck. The girl he had been dating broke up with him last week so it was Riley's turn to cheer him up. Her red pixi cut is beginning to grow out and her bangs are pinned with a small flowered hair pin. Even though she is starting to gain weight she's still extremely thin, about 100 pounds now and her big brown eyes are still not as lit up as they should be. She's wearing a black crop top, cut off jean shorts that hang off her hips and a pair of black converse.
"Give me a cigarette", she says as she's plopping down on the tailgate.
"Well, it's definitely not helping the situation so I'd rather chill somewhere low key", Jeremy says as he shakes his brown with blonde polka dotted head. 
"Sorry about that," she tells him with a genuine apologetic smile, "probably should just shave it all off  cause I don't think anyone's gonna be able to work enough magic  to make that shit look good," taking a drag off of the cigarette he gave her.  "I'm down with Cat Nips, my mom really doesn't want me clubbing since I got home from Mandeville," sighing as she blows a thick cloud of smoke out of the side of her mouth. She really didn't want to go out to the club anyway. She heard from Kim that Paul had gotten back together with his ex and she really didn't want to risk running into him. She genuinely hoped he was happy, he deserved that cause he really was a nice guy.
Even though she was 24 years old her mom was treating her as if she was 16 (curfew and all) but Riley didn't fight it, she actually welcomed the structure of the rules.  She knew her mom was still terrified that she would find her daughter unconscious again like she had on Thanksgiving.
"Let's go bitch, let me just tell my mom where we're headed to," her voice trails as she's running into the house.
Within minutes they're riding with 311's blaring from the stereo system, windows down and Riley's arm hanging out of the passenger side fighting the pressure of the blowing wind against her hand.
Jeremy jokes with her about putting on her seatbelt, mumbling something about her flying out the window when he makes a turn. He glances at her, thankful that she seems to be doing much better.
It's fall and the humidity is still pretty thick but at least the air has cooled. This is Riley's favorite time of year so she wants to enjoy it as much as she can while she's still at home. She enrolled at LSU because there was some special grant she qualified for after her stay in the nut house. She was only 3 hours shy of her associates degree from before and they told her she could add an extra class to make sure she stayed on track for the graduation schedule. Her long time friends Mindy and Lo were allowing her to crash with them until she could get her own place.
Jeremy was sad that she was leaving but he knew she needed the change in scenery. They had a few days to hang out before she was set to leave but Baton Rouge was only about an hour away. He could go up there to hang with her once she got settled.
The parking lot at Cat Nips is full so it took a few min to find a parking spot. Walking up to the large staircase Jeremy bumps Riley's shoulder and tells her how happy he is to see that she's doing better. The new out patient treatment plan Riley was following seemed to have her in a much better place.
The music that filled the air as the doors open was the welcoming sound of 90's alternative. They flashed the usual doorman their ID's as he nodded them through. They spent a significant amount of time there so showing their licenses was just a formality the bar insisted on.  Jeremy walked up to the bar and got them beers along with putting a deposit for the pool table. For the next couple of hours Riley whooped him in game after game. She's somewhat of a pool shark and he knew he didn't stand much of a chance at a victory. Occasionally she allowed him to catch up just enough for him to think he's got a chance, then bam she runs the table. He doesn't care though, it's amazing to see his cousins contagious smile return. It's been a long time coming, that's for sure.
"Hey, what are your plans tomorrow," he asks.
"Not much, probably just hanging around the house. If you wanna pass by my mom would love to see you," she said.
"That sounds good, I'll probably have my boy Jake with me, we've got some shit to do but I'm sure he won't mind hanging out for a little while," he says through laughter raising his arms up in a gesture of defeat as she sinks the 8 ball once again.
"Ok, I think it's time to call it a night," Jeremy exclaims pretending to be upset with the ass beating he was just handed.
They joked around on the drive home and Riley hopped out of his truck once they reached her house. "Call ya tomorrow," her voice trails as she skips through the yard. She turns around and waves just before slipping into the house.
Within minutes Riley is under her covers, and fast asleep.
Chapter 8
"Hey fool, ya passing over? Bring a blunt, I think if I smoke I'll be able to eat a little more today," Riley's laughter into the phone brings a smile to her moms face from the other room. "My mama's making a roast if you wanna stay for dinner," she adds.
"I don't think I can stay but I'm pretty sure Jake got some really good KB so I'll have him roll up a blunt before we head that way," he says.
30 minutes later she hears Jeremy pulling up so she darts through the front door. As she's walking up the passenger door opens and she stops in her tracks as the most beautiful sight she's ever seen steps out onto the grass. It takes a full 30 seconds for her to catch her breath as she stares at who she assumes to be Jeremy's boy Jake. Riley knew of Jake, he was actually a really good friend of her brother, who was in prison at this particular time but their paths had never crossed. His blonde hair was shaved an faded and the sun glistening across his face allowed her to see specks of gold flickering in his unique shade of blue eyes, there was also hint of green to them. He had on baggy Hilfiger jean shorts with a new pair of Reebok's with the peanut butter bottoms and a wife beater that showed off the statue like structure of his bronze arms. Some sort of electrical shock surged through Riley's entire body but was abruptly halted when Jeremy spoke, " Jake brought that smoke, we already hit one blunt and that shit is good!"
Jake pulls a perfectly rolled blunt from behind his ear and hands it to her with a smile that completely melts her. For what seems like an eternity she isn't able to speak, but she finally  gains her composure taking the blunt from his hand. His index finger brushes against hers as their hands meet and she gets a strange twinge in her stomach. What the hell is going on with me she thinks! They all take a seat on the side walk and she lifts her lighter to ignite the weed. Maybe a few hits will help me to calm the hell down, she thinks.
"What are y'all doing today," she tries to make conversation to hide the range of emotions that are going off inside her.
"Chillin, probably most of the day," Jeremy says completely oblivious to the bundle of nerves his cousin has become.
After taking another hit she passes it to Jake, and stares at his full lips as he inhales filling his lungs with smoke. His hands are strong and perfectly manicured and the thought crosses her mind that it would amazing to have those hands all over her bare skin. What the fuck Riley, her mind brings her back into focus. Why am I so infatuated with this guy she thinks. It's more than that though, there's a discernment as visions of a family years down the road flash in her mind. Two little boys and a curly haired princess running around with Riley and Jake leaning against one another laughing. Why the fuck am I thinking this, she asks herself as they continue to pass the blunt between the three of them. Once they finish smoking, they share some small talk and crack jokes for a little while. Jeremy realizes the time and says they have to head out cause he's got go pay his electricity before the close of the business day. He gives Riley a warm hug and hops into the drive side of his truck.
When Jake stands up, Riley speaks before she can stop herself, "I'm gonna marry you." Catching him off guard he lets out a sexy laugh and nods his head then answers her with a simple, "okay."
He jumps into the passenger seat and Jeremy takes off. While they head down the road Jeremy asks him, "did she just say she's gonna marry you?"
"Yeah...she's cute, I'd hit that!" He declares and Jeremy tells him not to bullshit around with her.
"That is Timmy's sister you know," and Jake brushes off the warning gaze coming from Jeremy's eyes.
Chapter 9
It's been awhile since she's been home but Mindy and Lo wanted to come back to go to the House of Shock for Halloween.  Riley decided to stay at her mom's through the holidays and go back to Baton Rouge after New Years.  She wasn't actually starting classes until Spring so she figured she could spend some time with her mom.
Once back she hit Jeremy up to have him hang out. "Yeah I'll come get you when I get back, my boy Jake is in the hospital so I was up here to bring him some food," Jeremy said.
"Jake's in the hospital," she asks trying not to sound overly concerned.
"Yeah, him and Gump were breaking into a store and climbed onto the roof. He fell off and fucked himself up. He almost died!", Jeremy tells her completely missing the genuine worry in her voice.
She felt like she got hit by a truck at the thought of Jake dying. Why did she feel so overwhelmed with emotion? She only met him once, a while back. It's not like she really even knew him. A voice in her head said, you do know him, your souls belong to each other, you know him more than you will ever know anyone. Wtf, where did that come from?
"Maybe I can go with you to visit him sometime this week?" She asked, trying to play off the desperation in her response.
"Yeah, we can do that," he said, thinking nothing of it.
Jake ended up getting out of the hospital before they got a chance to go see him and Riley pushed the disappointment feeling to the back of her mind.
The next 2 months passed by fairly quickly and it was a couple days after Christmas. Jeremy was throwing a party so Riley got dressed up to go hangout there. Her hair has gotten much longer so her curls are developing. She pins her bangs back and glances in the mirror. She's been eating regularly so her weight is becoming much more healthy. She's almost back to her normal weight so her features are fuller. She is still petite but her breast have gone back to their original  double d size and her ass is back to looking great in whatever she wears. Tonight she decided on a black skirt with black stockings and a long sleeve grey and black striped top that fit perfectly. Spraying some of her favorite perfume she heads out the door and over to Jeremy's place.
Her brother's back from prison and is talking to a group of people about the bullshit that landed him there. He sees Riley walk in and gives her a hug saying, "Hey sis."
She embraces him and kisses his cheek. "Stay your ass out of trouble tonight ok," she warns him. He laughs and she walks into the kitchen leaving him to finish his story.
Jeremy walks up and hands her a drink,
tanqueray and 7! There's a huge glass mirror on the coffee table in the living room with a several baggies of white powder. Riley hasn't done coke in a while and it's actually only been a handful of times that she has done it at all. She decides that she's gonna enjoy her night and sits in front of the table on the floor. She shakes out enough to make 2 thin lines. Jeremy tells her to line him up some too so she pours out some for him. With 4 lines layered out in front of her Jeremy walks over and sits down on the sofa handing her a tiny cut straw. She leans her head down pressing one nostril closed and inhaling the substance with the straw through the other. She feels fucking amazing as soon as it hits her, and she can taste the drip that lets her know it's some really pure shit. "Damn," she exclaims as she hands Jeremy the straw. "I know," he says as he leans down to snort up his lines. "Ya boys coming over tonight," he tells her catching her off guard, "he was locked up all week but they're on the way now."
Locked up? And they? Who's they? Before she has a chance to drill Jeremy with 20 questions, Jake, J-Bird and a plain Jane dirty blonde headed girl walk through the door. Ewe, Riley thinks, who the fuck is that bitch? A jealousy takes over her mind and she tries to shake it off. The sight of Jake walking in with some random girl makes Riley want to beat the shit out of someone. Well, not someone, the girl who is looking at him with puppy dog eyes hanging on every word he says. Why am I so angry about this, she thinks but can't get rid of the feelings. She decides to go into the back yard and get some air. A few min later Jake walks outside and that girl follows. She sits on a bench across from where Riley is standing. Jake and J-Bird start talking to Riley, telling her all about the fight that landed him in jail for the last several days. That girl is just sitting there quietly so Riley decides to fuck with her. "What's your name," asking but not even listening to her answer. Jake  and J-Bird walked back inside to grab a beer.
Riley tells the girl, "Jake's really hot huh?"
The girl shifts uncomfortably, "Yes,"she says. "You like him," Riley turns up the  heat on her.
"Uhm, yeah," she says quietly.
"I'm sorry," Riley with a evil smile.
"Why," she asked in a nervous tone.
"Cause he's gonna be mine," Riley tells her like it's already a fact.
Tears begin to well up in the girls eyes as Jake and J-Bird walk back outside.
Riley decides to make things even more uncomfortable since the coke is making her extra bitchy. "So, Jake how long have you been talking to Rosie here?" (The girls name is actually Ruby)
"Huh", he says looking at her like he has no clue what she's talking about.
Riley points at the girl and says, "her, how long have you been dating her?"
"I'm not," he says, "she just a friend, she bailed me out of jail and gave us a ride over here."
Riley starts to laugh and gives Ruby a look that lets her know she might as well give up cause she has no chance.
"What are you drinking," he asks Riley, ignoring the other girl.
"Tanqueray and 7, but this was the last of it," she says.
"Wanna get some more? We'll buy it if you get it cause none of us are 21 yet," he says.
"Sure," Riley says. "Come take a ride," she grabs the arm of his shirt and they leave J-Bird and Ruby in the back yard.
On the ride to the store Riley questions him about the girl and he lets her know it's just some chick he gets to buy him shit. "Yeah? I like her chain, I think I'll rip it off her neck when we get back, not like she will tell me anything," Riley says with an attitude.
"Nah, don't do that. I need her to bring J-Bird home later," he says as he's laughing. He asks if he can smoke a cigarette and she says sure. He hands her one too and she gladly takes it. They reach the gas station and Riley quickly runs in to get a big bottle of tanqueray for him. When she hands it to him, their hands brush against each other and she feels that strange feeling in her stomach once again. A mixture of excitement and ecstasy that is a rush she's never felt before. If this is what his hand barely touching hers does to her body she is in some serious trouble.
When they get back, Ruby is standing next to her car with her keys in hand. Apparently upset, she's told J-Bird they have to go. Jake tells Riley that he has to leave cause him an J-Bird have some shit to do in the morning.
"Well, you have fun with little miss whatever the fuck her name is," she says trying to keep from showing the disappointment in her voice.
"It's not like that," he says.
"You should probably tell her that," she quickly snaps back. Then realized she sounds like a crazy bitch. Even though that was certifiably true, she didn't want him to think she was a nut job, so she grabbed his hand and lightly squeezed it, telling him have a good night.
It was the weirdest thing for Riley . This was only the 2nd time she saw Jake and she couldn't seem to think about anything but him.
Chapter 10
For the last couple of months she hadn't really gone out or done much of anything including hooking up with anyone. It was like an unseen force was protecting her from doing something  that would get in the way of the master plan that was going on behind the scenes.
2 more months passed and Riley had been in Baton Rouge for a while getting ready for the semester. Mardi Gras was the following day and Mindy fixed the schedule so they could all go home for the parades. Riley had been waitressing for a couple of weeks at the restaurant Mindy managed. They were gonna leave before dark and stay at Mindys parents house so they could get an early start. The drive back was nice, the weather had been strangely beautiful, cool with really low humidity.  Once they arrived at Mindy's mom they decided that they would go to one of the local hang outs and shoot some pool.  Honey's was a popular pool hall that they used to go to when they were teenagers, but it still served its purpose. Plus, since it was Mardi Gras a lot of people where there that had moved out of town so it was full of familiar faces. Mindy was a pool shark herself and actually even better than Riley was. Back in the day they would act like dumb girls and get unsuspecting guys to bet them. The guys would always try to negotiate threesomes if they won, but that would never have to take place. The girls would run the table and drink for free all night, every single time! They shot a few games, drank a few beers but decided it would be best to go back to her moms and get some rest.
Mardi Gras morning they got up and ate some breakfast Mindy's mom made for them, then headed to the parades. They stayed on the Westbank cause everyone they knew would be around. They parked a block from the parade and when Riley stepped out of the car she looked up onto the porch in front her. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. Jake, her brother and a group of their friends were getting their shit together to walk to the parade. He looks at her and a flashes a smile. I can't believe he's here, what are the odds, she thinks. Mindy calls her to come along so she smiles back at him then begins to walk away. He watches her until she's around the corner. Riley and Mindy drank daiquiris and walked the streets throughout the day. The parades ended around 3 so they headed back to the car. Just as Riley was turning the corner she caught a glimpse of 2 guys arguing, then one of the guys swung connecting his fist to the others jaw. Fuck! It was her brother and some asshole from the neighborhood. Timmy got the first hit but all Riley could see was red from that moment on. The next thing she notices is the cracking sound her arm is making as she is on the  other guys back, punching him in the head. From out of nowhere Riley is pulled off of the guy and is being held by familiar arms as they wrap around her. It takes a second for her to realize that it's Jake holding her close to him laughing as he tells her to calm down.
"Girl you are crazy," he says as he turns her squirming body around to face him. "I'm not letting you go until you chill out," he whispers as she begins to settle down, her breathing is heavy while her body is pressing against his. He smells so fucking good, she notices as she lays her head on his chest. "You good," he asks before releasing his hold on her.
"Yeah, I think I might have broken my arm," she says as she pulls the arm closer to her side, wincing in pain. "Fuck," she abruptly blurts out. Her brother is off to the side yelling at his girlfriend as the guy they beat the crap out of was nowhere to be found.
"Hey man, your sister thinks she broke her arm, I think she needs to go to the hospital," Jake tells him. Timmy turns around and  says he can drop her off but we needed to go now. Riley tells Mindy that her brother is bringing her to the emergency room and that she would call her later.
Jake and Riley get into the back seat of Timmy's truck but instead of allowing her to sit in the seat next to him he pulls her onto his lap.
Without hesitation she complies and leans her head onto his chest.
"Sis, what the fuck were you thinking," Timmy asks already knowing the answer.
"I wasn't," she responds. They would fight like nobody's business with each other but if anyone were to even raise an eyebrow towards one of the the other would pounce.
Timmy continues to tell her he's got shit to do so he can't stay as he pulls up to the emergency room. As Riley gets out of the truck Jake follows behind her, then walks up to the drivers door to tell Timmy he's gonna stay with her. "You sure man? You don't have to, she'll be fine," Timmy tells him but Jake shakes his head and tells him he's staying.
He walks up to Riley and puts his arm around her shoulder leading her into the large sliding glass doors into the emergency room. He tells her to sit while he goes up to the check in to get the paperwork so she can be seen.
" Thank you, you really didn't have to stay," Riley smiles a little embarrassed about the events leading up to this moment.
"What kind of husband would I be if I left you here all alone," a grin spreads across is face as he recalls her telling him she would marry him one day.
He remembered her saying that, Riley thought. Jeremy told her all about the comment he made when she spoke those words to him, so she decided to come back with, "Husband? I thought you said you would just hit that?"
"Oh shit, he told you I said that," Jake shakes his head vowing to kick Jeremy's ass the next time he sees him.
"I was just fucking around, but you did catch me off guard with that," the look on his face is actually more serious than she would have expected as he stares into her big brown eyes.
They spent the following 6 hours waiting to find out that Riley had in fact broken her arm. It was a pretty bad break, one of the bones was snapped in half so she would have to follow up in a few day to find out what the orthopedic surgeons would suggest and to get an actual permanent cast.
Riley had to go back to Baton Rouge so Timmy picked her up and she gave him gas money to bring her. Jake stayed with her as they drove late into the night, with Timmy's music bumping through the speakers. Timmy and his girlfriend were deep in conversation while Jake once again pulled Riley to sit on his lap. After riding for a while she could feel Jake brushing his hand through her hair and shifting her so that she could face him. The moonlight was shining through the window allowing her to see  the outline of his handsome face. He brought his hand to rest on her cheek then slowly leaned in pressing his soft lips to hers. He held her face as he moved his tongue into her mouth and with more passion then she could had ever imagined he let her know that the feelings she had been having towards him were not just one sided. His tongue was cold and his mouth tasted sweet as he continued to move through hers with the so much tenderness she felt like her entire body was on fire from within. As he pulled back he gently pressed his lips against hers once again and then lightly kissed her on the forehead before he pulled her body close to him. He held her for the rest of the ride and she listened to his heartbeat as her head pressed to his chest.
Riley had been in relationships before but this was different, for the first time ever, she felt at home laying against this beautiful man.
They arrived at Mindys and it was close to 1 am so they decided to stay. Timmy and his girlfriend took the room Riley was staying in while Jake and Riley stayed on the sofa. Once everyone was settled in, the two of them tried to get comfortable but it was a bit of a challenge. Not only were they dealing with Riley's broken arm, Jake had several ribs that were fractured from the cops kicking the shit out of him the other day. He had walked past an undercover smoking a blunt during a parade and they grabbed him. He was extremely intoxicated so they took him to the drunk tank where he proceeded to tell the cops he fucked their moms. That got him handcuffed to a bench while 3 cops kicked the shit out of him until they got bored.
Once they found a position that allowed both of them to settle in, Jake leaned in to kiss her again. This time it was much faster and intense. His mouth moved to her neck and as he sucked the skin Riley was positive it would leave a mark. He whispered that he wanted to kiss her the first time they met but they were never alone. He brought his hand up through the bottom of her shirt and under her bra. A look of confusion shot a cross his face as he felt an unusual object on her right nipple. He lifts her shirt up and reaches around her back to unhook her bra. The faint light from a small lamp catches the metal ring that is through her nipple making it extremely sensitive. (She had gotten it pierced awhile back at Senior Frogs when they had a piercing party. Girls drink free and a half price piercing seemed like a great idea for a night out! Since the guy who did her tattoo was the one doing the piercing she decided why the fuck not?) He brushes his thumb across it and he leans down to bite, pulling her nipple causing a gasp quietly escape her mouth. The metal ring causes the contact to become much more sensitive than it would usually be. PHe begins kissing her again but after a little bit of time he pulls away and says that they should slow it down.
Riley is completely confused asking, "Did I do something wrong?"
"Of course not," he reassured her. " I just really want you right now and if we keep going I won't be able to control myself. It's already taking every ounce of restraint I have not to completely undress you and make you mine."
She looks at him unable to hid the feeling of rejection that is showing in her eyes.
"Oh no baby, don't look sad, trust me, I want you. I want you more than I want to take my next breath, but I don't want the first time we make love to be on your friends sofa."
Make love? He wants to make love to me? No hit it and quit it? Or to fuck me?
The fact that he is willing to show such restraint makes her heart feel so drawn to him. At this moment she knows that this is the man for her, the beginning and end where she's concerned.
He helps her to put back on her shirt and pulls her close to him as they fall asleep in each other's arms.
In the morning Timmy is ready to go really early so Jake gives Riley a tender kiss goodbye as they leave. He promises that they will see each other soon.
Chapter 11
After 9, Riley calls her mom to talk about the situation with her arm. Since she doesn't have health insurance the best option is for her to come home and make a follow up at Charity. She tells Mindy that she's going to have to go back home because of this and she has to contact the school counselor about the semester. When the counselor answers she sounds upset when she hears Riley's voice. "I was about to call you," she said. "I just got notification that all the scholarships going through the program you qualified for have been placed on hold." This apparently meant that her dreams of finishing school were to be placed on an indefinite wait. Riley thought she would be more disappointed to hear this news but with everything that happened over the last 24 hours the only things she could really focus on was the memory of Jake kissing her and the sweet taste of his mouth.
She informed Mindy of what the counselor said and thanked her for being so sweet to let her stay with them. Mindy let her know that if the school worked things out she was always welcomed back. After thanking her again Riley put her stuff into the back seat and trunk of her car. She awkwardly drove the hour back to her moms. Stick shift with a broken arm is not the easiest driving combination.
Once home she unpacked her car and decided to go to sleep. Her arm was killing her so she took a pain pill that made her pretty sleepy.
The following day Riley asked her brother to call Jake to come over. He told her she didn't need to fuck with his boy. He kept that up for several days but eventually caved in calling Jake and telling him that his sister wanted him to come hang out. Timmy went to pick him up and they got a couple of bottles of alcohol on their way back.
Riley drank a little but decided she wanted to have a clear head. It was getting late, Jake and her were snuggled up on the sofa watching a movie. Timmy  had gone to bed earlier with his girlfriend , and Riley's mom was out of town.  The next day Riley had to meet with the orthopedic surgeon since she still had on a temporary cast. Jake's ribs were still sore but he was able to get comfortable next to her. They began kissing pretty heavily and things began to heat up quickly. Riley could feel his erection growing as he pressed against her letting her know how excited he was to be close to her.
"Baby, I want you so much. I need to be with you and make you mine, " he whispers is a heavy tone.
"I want you too," she hisses through clenched teeth.
"I really can't wait to be inside of you. I've wanted this so much I can't think straight," He reaches down and begins to pulls down her jeans. He takes off his own pants too, then lays down next to her. With her arm in the cast it is difficult for her to help so he finishes removing his clothes and helps to remove her top. He leans over her propping himself up on his elbows, kissing her passionately. Despite the uncomfortableness of the cast, Riley is enjoying the way Jake is causing her body to completely cover in tiny chill bumps. Every touch is gently making her ache for him.
"Make love to me," she pleads.
As the words leave her mouth he reaches down slipping his hand into the front of her panties. Brushing his fingers across her clit she releases a soft moan. He moves to shift between her legs sliding his middle and ring finger into her slowly. She is so wet for him and her breath is labored. He removes his fingers and slides her panties off. He grabs his cock and strokes it several times before leading it into the object of his affection. Because she is so wet he is able to slide into her, making her body tense up as he fills her. He fits so perfectly with her body it is as if they were two pieces of a puzzle being connected into one. He places his hands on each of her hips, lifting her to give him a more exposed angle to thrust himself into her.
"You feel so fucking good, I can't believe how perfect this feels," Jake is pulling in and out, getting lost in her in a way he has never done before. The quickening in her stomach is letting her know it won't be long before she unravels on him. They are moving together in perfect sync. "I love you," the words escape her mouth before she can stop them as her body releases onto him. He continues to move making the sensation continue as he is building up to let himself spill into her. His breathing is rapid and he moans as he cums inside her without a second thought.
"I care for you so much," he quietly whispers into her ear as he allows his weight to press against her .
He didn't say it back, she thought. A bit of sadness creeps up and he must be able to sense it because he speaks up. "Riley I'm not going to just say those words to you, yet. I've never told them to anyone before and when I say them to you I want you to know I mean them."
Even though she still feels disappointment, she is actually relieved because if he just said that to her she probably never really would have believed it anyway. This way when he says it she will know it's coming from a place of true consideration and it's not just some lip service that has no meaning. Riley's head was spinning but for the first time in a very long time she wasn't sad, she felt safe in his arms.

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