Day 3 Part 2

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Gaming/Watching a movie = DustBerry

    Dust sat on his couch, waiting for a friend of his to come. The two had planned a get together/sleepover, Dust's friend had said it would be a good learning experience for the killer, a way to learn what good friends do with each other, though the word "friend" had always made Dust's soul feel weird, and not the good kind. That was when dust had asked if they could watch a scary movie together, his friend had said yes of course but Dust could see the hesitation to his answer and a glint in his eyes that Dust had see sooooo many times, fear. But Dust was okay with that, it meant that there would be a higher chance of Dust being able to hold his little skeleton "friend". 

 Dust smiled and leaned back on his couch, thoughts of the fun he and his crush were going to have filled his heads. His thoughts were interrupted with a soft but energetic nock on the door, Dust smile grew as he got up from the couch and walked over to the door, he was met with a small skeleton with big, blue, starry eyes, and a beautiful smile that made Dusts hart swell with worm stuff, it made Dust happy to make him happy.

"Hi Dust! You ready for our sleepover!?" Blueberry said, jumping from foot to foot.

Dust gave a little chuckle, finding Blue's excitement amusing, "Yup! But are you ready for the movie?".

Blue bit his lip (Screw logic!) before answering with a nod, "How scary are we talking?" He asked, walking into the small house as Dust lead him to the living-room.

"Not THAT scary, and besides, I'll be there to protect you!" Dust said, turning to face Blue with a smile.

Blue giggled, finding Dust playful response cute, "We'll protect each other!" he said, sitting down on the couch as Dust put the movie on.

-Time skip- brought to you by Ink puking raimbowwwwwsssss-

Their were only halfway through the movie and Blue was shaking like a leaf, yelping when ever a jump-scare would happen, he had made his way onto Dusts lap in search of comfort, who gave it willingly.  As the movie continued, Blue stayed on Dust lap, as Dust happily pet his head in a comfort way, soon Blue passed out on Dust lap, purring happily a small smile on his face.

Dust smiled down at the small skeleton on his lap, a blush on his cheekbones, he got up and off the couch, carefully carrying Blue as he made his way up stares to the extra bedroom, he entered the room, and placed Blueberry on the bed, pulling the sheets over his body so he didn't get cold, before leaving the room he leaned down to place a small kiss on Blues soft mouth, whispering four words before leaving to his room.

"I love you Blueberry"

I am proud of myself! this turned out really good! BYE BYE!

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