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The next morning I awoke with slight tiredness. I got out of bed and dressed in my work outfit, pale orange shirt and black skirt. I went to the kitchen and made cappuccino and pancakes for myself. I ate quickly, put on my black flats and grabbed my purse. Then I walked to the Arcobaleno cafe, my workplace. "Good morning Sawada-chan!" Kawahira, the owner, greeted. "Morning Owner-san," I smiled. "Mou~ call me Kawahira already," Kawahira pouted. "Oh- that would be rude of me, but perhaps some day," I grinned. "Can you handle the cashier today, Tsuna? Kyoko got sick," Hana asked. "Fine by me, Hana-chan," I smiled.

The bell rang. I closed my eyes, "Ah, good morning and welcome to the Arcobaleno cafe," I said. "Working I see," I heard a familiar baritone. "Oh, ciao Reborn!" I smiled. "Chaos, Tsunami," He nodded. "What would you like?" I asked. "A sandwich, an espresso and a dark chocolate cake." Reborn said. "Alright! One sandwich, espresso and dark chocolate cake coming right up!" I said cheerfully. I made him his espresso and put it on a tray, took one sandwich and one slice of cake and put them on the tray on plates. "That would be 1036 yen's, please," I said. He gave me the exact amount of yen I asked."You'll get them today," he told me and sat down in a corner seat. After that I became so busy with other customers I never saw him again.


After work I went grocery shopping and eventually got back home. After changing my clothes the doorbell rang. "Who could it be?" I wondered as I went to open the door. When I opened the door I saw 7 children. I immediately softened and bent down to their level. "Who might you all be?" I asked. "Grandpa told me to give this to mama," the eldest said and handed a letter to me.

'Dear Tsunami. 

I know you wished for children, so I decided to grant you with them. They are all related by blood and recently got out of an abusive household. They believe you're their real mama because I told them that. 

Sincerely, Reborn, your papa.'

"Come in little ones." I said and stepped away from the door so that they could enter. I closed the door behind them and turned towards them. "Sweeties, mama needs to know your names." I smiled at them. "Mukuro," The eldest said. "I'm Ryohei and this is my twin brother Kyoya to the extreme!" The grey haired boy yelled, gesturing to a black haired one. "Haha! I'm Takeshi and these are Hayato and Chrome! We're triplets!" Takeshi said, hugging the two. "Ore-sama is Lambo!" The boy with the Afro laughed.

"I'll make dinner for you," I smiled. "Grandpa already fed us," Mukuro said. "Alright, then just for me," I giggled and gave them something to do while I ate. After I ate my dinner I gave each kid a piece of strawberry cake I had made yesterday. They complimented me on my cooking after eating and I went to make a phone call to Gio-nii.


"Ciao, Gio-nii, it's me Tsunami."

"Ciao Tsu-chan! How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great! In fact, I just adopted seven children, you're an uncle now!"


"Exactly as I said, you're an uncle."

"*sob* My Tsu-chan's all grown up!"

"Hehe, yes I am. But.."


"I need a bigger house, my current one is too small for us eight... I don't want to bother you but I really don't have enough money to buy a new house.. I need to save up for my dream as well.."

"Of course I'll get you a new house, I'll get you a car as well! I'm also going to transport a lot of yen to your bank account."

"Really?! Thank you Gio-nii!!"

"I'll send someone over to take you to your new home after a few days. I'll email you the details of the house. Originally, I got it from grandpa but I want you to have it. I'll send G to give you your new car."

"Alright, thank you Gio-nii. Tell your friends I said hi."

"Okay, see you later Tsu-chan."

"See you, Niisama."


Tsunami went back into the living room only to find the children asleep. She took them to her bed or the guest bed and tucked them in. Afterwards she made herself a bed on the couch, changed her clothes and slept.

~~Chapter 1 end~~

Mukuro 10
Kyoya 8
Ryohei 8
Takeshi 6
Hayato 6
Chrome 6
Lambo 3

KHR: Mama Tsuna and Her 7 ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now