Saints of Gold

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House of Worshippers, 1968

"His words put wisdom into our hearts and his wisdom put words in our hearts. We pray?"


"For the king, the power, and purity. We cleanse? Response."


"For eternal God, we pray"


"Offer the babies!"

Choir: " Alle lu lu Ah Ah, Alle lu lu Ah Ah"

"Please not my son! Spare him I beg of you.." From a mother's grievous cry.

"Who are you to defy his likings? His pureness to his own people? What can you offer to suffice his bidding?

"Please..please.. spare my child.. Take me instead..take me.. make sure my child. is safe! Take me.."

Choir stopped singing  as the people's smile stopped.

Choir: " Oh Oh Oh Oh" a church melody coming from their voices with tears of joy coming from their eyes.

People clapped as the mother still left frightened.

" a bride might do.. tell me, where's your husband?"

" I was raped.. in the middle of the night they took me.. left naked.. They threw me away very far from home..."

"Then why do you want to spare him? This child is the embodiment of your past."

"... Because he is still my child.. no matter what he's my blood.. the trauma i felt.. he's the only one that makes me happy.. comfortable."

People started clapping and the priest of purity smiled upon her.

"You are one, crazy bitch. Haha"

"Spare this child, let him and his mother experience the j o y of life."

People: "Hooray! -claps-

Choir: "She is a God!! Pure!! Wicked!!"

"So that's why you didn't resist going here. You knew what we are worshipping, the saints of gold. Yet you are here to risk everything just to save your Happiness. You are ungodly.."


~🎵 I feel Good 🎵~

"Honey the speakers are too loud! Turn it off!"

"Louder! Okay! Mom!"

"Kyle! Don't make me go to your room and hit you up"

- Person on the phone - " kyle, are you ready?

"Yeah, I'm grounded but this is important. I'm gonna go through my window."

"Are you Serious?! Just hurry up we need to catch up!"

"Okay, okay!"


"Huh, no one's here...don't tell me he jumped again. That shit"

As Kyle escaped from his house to meet his partner in crime, Louis Vult, an expert in ghost topics.

"You're not gonna believe this Kyle, Ghost Hunters actually caught a real ghost!"

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