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She moved toward him slowly for she could see the fear in his eyes

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She moved toward him slowly for she could see the fear in his eyes. The doubt. As though he did not believe what they told him. How many moons had it been since she'd seen her brother last? A hundred? More?

He looked smaller than she remembered, shrunken and weakened, though perhaps it was only that she had been surrounded by Leothine for so long. Would Valdr appear weakened to her now too? Surmountable? Feeble in some way? She had faced Zybar dogs and Leoth warriors. He could not hold the power over her that he once did, surely?

'Fara?' He choked. She had never seen him cry — Valdr yes, many times — but her stoic brother's eyes shone now with the weight of tears. It humbled her.

'It is I, Panos, it is I...' She lowered herself to her knees so that she was facing him and reached out to take his hands in hers. Each wrist was bound in Leoth steel, a thinner length holding them together. His face and hair were dirty, his leather tunic soiled and torn, but he appeared unharmed.

He shook his head, disbelieving still, before his attention moved over her shoulder, his gaze dark with distrust. Theodan did not address Panos when he spoke, only her.

'Speak any words you must to him now. For you may not get another chance.' He held her eyes a long moment, warmly she thought despite all she had said to him before, and then turned and led his men through the break in the trees. When they were alone she turned to Panos.

'Gods, my eyes are gladdened to see you, brother,' she smiled, tearful.

'How can it be...? I do not understand... They told us you were slain, in the raid of the palace. By the Leoth Commanders hand, that he took you. That he...' he trailed, unable to finish. Unwilling to say the words aloud.

'I was unharmed, Panos. I am unharmed.'

'... they sent us your body, broken and burned, your maid who swore to us she saw it done...' he went on as though she had not spoken. 'Valdr would not believe it. Until then he did not believe it...'

'My body?' she gaped. 'Who sent you my body, Panos? What maid do you speak of?'

'I do not know...' he squeezed his eyes closed and shook his head. 'When he saw it he declared war... I came to Azura to kill as many Leoth as I could. Fara, he has vowed not to stop until he has rendered this realm to ash.'

'Then we must stop him. We will get word to him that I live and this shall be forgotten.. you will see...' she was not sure of her words, not at all, but she did not want to trouble him further. She still held the hope that like Theodan, Leoth would show mercy. That some truce could yet be reached.

Panos looked at her, defeated. ' 'Tis too late, Fara... It is too late.'

'No, it is not! It is not yet too late. Theodan sits upon the council, I have begged him to help us, to convince the court of the moon to ignore the declaration. Calate cannot go to war with Leoth, Panos, you know we cannot win. Our armies cannot beat them. Zybar stands with them too.'  She moved closer and gripped his hands tighter. 'When you speak with Leoth's council you must rescind the declaration, brother. Whatever terms Valdr has sent, you must now see are without merit? Accept what Leoth offer you - it is not too late, Panos. Not yet.'

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