I'm Everything That I Am Because Of You, Chapter 8

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Previously: I helped Gabriella into the side of the car and reached to put on her seatbelt when she grabbed my hand and stopped me for a minute. I looked at her and she blushed, giggling. "Troy, I'm not five. I think I'm perfectly capable of putting on my seatbelt." I laughed softly and gently tickled her stomach making her giggle again. "I know, I know, I'm just trying to keep you safe." I closed her door and walked around to the driver's seat. I let out a sigh of relief before getting in. "safe and sound."



I will not give up on Gabriella! I refuse to move on until she is safe and sound right here where she belongs. I don't care how far I have to drive, or how long it takes, I don't care if it takes me months to find her, I. WILL. FIND. HER. I'll drive thousands of miles, for days, months, even years if I have to, until I find her. Whatever it takes, it doesn't matter, as long as I get to see those adorable, chocolate brown eyes once again.

I turned to Gabriella and smiled softly. She was wearing my sunglasses and had the seat pushed back so she could relax. We came to a red light and I quickly waved my hand in front of her face to check if she was awake. I laughed to myself when she didn't respond. I tickled her knee and she shot straight up giggling. "Heyy" I turned my attention back to the road smiling. "I was trying to sleep." Gabriella wined. I just kept my smile towards the road. She reached over and poked my side playfully. "Heyy" I flinched. "I'm driving" She smiled widely. "Awwh what's wrong, somebody's ticklish?" She asked in a playfully deep voice. I just shook my head and smiled. "Gabby, seriously, I'm trying to focus on the road." She just kept giggling and poked my side again in a few spots making me squirm a little. I couldn't help but laugh. "St-top Gabby, I mean it, that tickles okayy." We both just broke out into laughter as I took my attention off the road. Almost instantly, Gabriella's eyes widened in fear. A semi, about 3 times the size of my car was coming towards us head on and we only had seconds to spare. "TROY, LOOK OUT!" Gabriella screamed as soon as she noticed the vehicle. I quickly turned my attention away from her as I saw the truck heading in our direction. I stuttered, hesitant in fear watching as Gabriella jerked the wheel pulling the car off the side of the road and quickly out of the way. The car flipped over onto the grass, down the hill, and off to the side of the road landing on the passenger's side of the car. It all happened so suddenly that either of us barely had any time to react. My eyes fluttered and quickly shot open as I became fully aware of what had just happened. "GABRIELLA!" I climbed up out from the driver's seat since that was the only door that would open. I ran to the other side of the car to look for Gabriella. She was underneath the vehicle from where it landed when it toppled over. "No, no no no, please no...NO!" I bent down and tried as hard as I could to lift the car myself but it was no use. Before I could pull out my phone, I heard a loud blood curling scream coming from the other side of the car that almost caused me to jump out of my skin. My head snapped in the direction of the scream as it got louder then turned to soft cries. "No, no no NO, GOD PLEASE NO MAKE IT STOP PLEASE!!" I squeezed my eyes shut as I knew exactly who that voice belonged to. It hurt my heart so much to hear so much pain coming from her broken voice. I sprinted over to her side and found Gabriella, struggling to free her leg from underneath the car door which was already gushing with blood. Tears flooded down her eyes and she tried so desperately to pull herself out from under the car. "TROY HELP ME PLEASE!! MAKE IT STOP!!" My whole heart broke. I just cried. I didn't know what to do. I tired everything I could to make the pain go away but I couldn't lift anything. "Awh baby...shh please don't cry, it's going to be okay, I promise just, just please don't cry." She let out another heart shattering cry as she continued to try dragging her knee out from the side of the car she was trapped under. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly in mine. "Gabriella listen to me, you're going to be okay I promise, don't be scared okay, I promise to get you immediate medical attention as soon as we get you out from under here. You just have to trust me." Her shaky breaths and gasps for air began to turn to deep breaths as studied my eyes for a long time. I gently rubbed her back trying to soothe her. "That's it baby girl, good girl, just keep breathing, okay. Remember I'm right here." I had called 911 not too long ago and we were waiting for the paramedics and the fire trucks to arrive. Moments later, they had finally come and I yelled from where I was seated waiting with Gabriella. "OVER HERE!!" They dashed over seeing the situation that had just occurred with fearful eyes. A few of the firemen rushed over to help release Gabriella from underneath the car while a tow truck came to pull the car from where it had fallen. My heart sank into my gut watching Gabriella scream in pain and discomfort. I gasped when I saw the damage the car had done to her entire leg. One of the paramedics came over to reassure me that she would be just fine but I just gave a simple nod only half paying attention. It was as if my whole world had became silent around me and all I could hear was the blood curling screams of Gabriella crying out to me in pain, agony, and desperation. I knew then, that those heartbreaking sounds would haunt me in my nightmares forever. Soon enough we made our way to the hospital where the doctor reassured me that Gabriella was going to be just fine after she received a few stitches in her leg from the deep cuts she had gotten from the sharp ends of the bottom of the car. They wrapped her leg tightly in gauze to stop the blood from escaping and helped her into a wheelchair temporarily to take pressure off of her leg completely and let her heal. I ran to her side and knelt down beside her trying the best I could to comfort her.
"Heyy baby, you feeling okay? You lost quite a lot of blood there sweetie.." She looked up at me with her big adorable brown eyes and gave a soft smile as she let a few tears begin to fall. "Home." I smiled sympathetically and squeezed her little hand gently. "Yes baby, I know, I promise I'll get you home as soon as I can okay..?" To my surprise she shook her head and I followed her gaze as she placed her hand on my heart. "Home." My heart skipped a beat and I smiled widely as I gave Gabriella a small kiss on her forehead knowing finally what she meant. I laughed softly as Gabriella smiled and drew a heart over my chest right above my heart. "If home is where the heart is then I'm already there."

**Hehe❤😊😋 last chapter coming soon...**

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