Chapter 1

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Bella's pov

20 years ago I was turned into a vampire when I was 18 years old and since then I have been living it up you know drinking from anyone and everyone I see because I need more blood now that I'm a vampire and I'm loving it it just so great to be free for once in my live and to be who I want to be for as long as I'm a vampire I won't be able to be in the sam place for a long time and I won't be able to make friends well at least now human friends anyways and so I bought a house in forks and I started going to school.

I am now at school where I have been going for the last 2 weeks because I was drawing to much attention by not going so right now I am in history class listening to the teacher when the principle came into the classroom and said sorry for interrupting but may I speak to a Miss Swan please and so I got off of my seat and I walked to the door and as I did the class started laughing at me for getting into trouble but I ignored it and I walked outside of the room and then I closed the door and Mrs Platt the principle said I know what you are Miss Swan and you have 2 days to get out of town or I'm telling the whole town and I said right ok I'll leave right now please don't and he said well then leave now and don't come back and I said right ok and I made my way to the front entrance and I walked out it and went to my car and got into it and I drove straight out of town.

I have been driving for 3 hours now and I so need a hunt so I stopped the car beside the woods and I got out and went into the woods and I hunted every animal I could see that's right I said animal I had to change my diet because I was going back to school and as I was finishing my hunt trip I heard some people just around the corner from me and they didn't have heartbeats and I ran until I found them and I hid behind a tree and I saw that they were very young children from the ages of 5-10 years old and there was about 6 of them and they where shouting at each other so I came from behind the tree and I ran over them and I said hey hey what seems to be the problem here and they all turned to look at me and they looked scared.

I said it's ok I'm not going to hurt you but what happened to have you all arguing like that and a little girl said fighting over where to go now and I said ok tell me your names and ages and what you are because I know your all not human all of you please and a boy said ok fine I'm Jason and I'm 6 years old and I'm a wolf and then the little girl that told me what the kids where fighting about said I'm Ella and I'm 5 years old and I'm a wolf too and the wee girl beside Ella said hi I'm Leia and I'm 7 and I'm a wolf as well and then an other boy said hi I'm Thomas and I'm a vampire and I was turned when I was 8 years old and then another girl said hello my name is Charlotte and I'm a vampire and I was turned when I was 9 and then a boy beside Charlotte said hi my name is Peter and I'm a vampire I was turned when I was 10 years old and I then said oh my you are all so young who has been looking after you all this time.

Leia said no one we have been on our own for about 3 years now ever since Ella phased and because we are wolves and vampires we don't age so we have had to stay in the woods all this time and we have been living off of animal blood and I said oh my well what happened to all your families and Thomas said well because me, Charlotte and Peter are vampires we had to leave our families and then when we found Ella, Jason and Leia they wanted to come with us so they left they families too we don't even know if they are still alive but we miss them so much.

I said I know I have missed my family ever since I was turned and then Charlotte said you lost your family too and I said yes I did and then Peter said why did you come here and I said I came over here too see why you were all shouting and then Ella said we just want life to go back to normal and we just want a family to care for us and look after us and I said ok well then how about we all start a life together then and all the kids gasped and Jason said wait what do you mean and I said well you are all so young and you have been living in the woods for a long time so how about me and the 6 of you all move to another town and we live a life together.

Ella said so your asking us to be a family and I said yes yes I am and both Ella and Leia ran over to me and hugged me and they said thank you thank you thank you and I just laughed and said your welcome and then Thomas said as both Ella and Leia let go of me but where would we go and what would you be to us to the public and I said well we will go to Paris and you 6 will be my younger siblings or my kids its up to all of you and then Peter said Paris I've always wanted to go there and Jason said yeah me too and then Charlotte said we can live as a real family really.

I said yes we can leave right now and but before we do you need to tell me what you want me to be to all of you your older sister or mother and all the kids shouted MOTHER and I laughed and said right ok then shall we leave for Paris and the kids all said yes mommy no so I said ok let's go and so Ella, Leia and Jason all phased into their wolf form and I said ok kids lets go and so me, Thomas and Charlotte and Peter all ran in our vampire speed and Jason Ella and Leia followed behind us and we kept running until we got to paris.

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