Chapter Five|Anger

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So far, not much had happened. Well, not much since uh... blowing up a space bridge, Megatron dying because of it, and Arcee getting injured, almost fatally injured. Jack left for a total of one day before he was back and it was only because Arcee guilt tripped him. I personally think he was glad to be back, because he liked having Arcee as his motorcycle.

Currently, I was laying on top of the roof of the base, not having much to do, it was a Sunday, which meant no school for me, and that made me glad.

However, it also meant I was around Optimus a lot. And that scared me because I had no idea how to act around him anymore... because I was finally accepting the fact that I had feeling for him and that they were not going to go away...

However, what I was not expecting was for the person of my thoughts to come find me.

"I was wondering where you had gotten off to", a deep baritone voice filled the air, making me tense up, as well as sit up.

"Optimus. What are you doing up here?" I hadn't meant to sound rude, but I kinda did. "Sorry, that sounded rude..."

I avoided his optics, opting to stare at the sky instead.

"It is alright, Historia. I came up here to check on you. You have been distancing yourself from the team, and refuse to talk to Ratchet about why."

I frown, and sigh. I still wasn't looking at Optimus, opting to stand up instead and walk to the edge, staring out at the horizon. I felt Optimus come and stand next to me.

After a few moments I spoke. "I had to grow up quickly on Cybertron. I had no time to be childish, or even childlike. My parental units, the ones who were supposed to take care of me, they abandoned me in an alley. Not long after that, I learned that if I wanted to survive, I couldn't be a child anymore. By the time I was a youngling, I had learned how to steal energon and get away with it. I was alone on the streets. The times I did get caught for stealing, did not end well. I would end up being beat up for stealing, left for the dead, with horrible injuries. Those were the memories that Arcee brought up the other day." I hugged myself with my arms. "That's all I wish to share for now."

Optimus was silent. "I am sorry you had to endure that."

I chuckled bitterly. "It's fine. What's past is past now. There is no point in remembering what occurred then because it won't help us now."

"Perhaps it could. Megatron suffered similar situations to you, albeit a bit worse, seeing as he grew up in the Pits."

Rage filled me, and I whirled towards Optimus. I looked him straight in the optics and glared at him. "Don't you dare compare my back story to that pit-slagged pile of scrap's back story!"

With that, I stormed off toward the elevator, and went back into the base, leaving behind a bewildered Prime. I was fuming and everyone could tell because they stayed out of my way as I transformed and sped out of base.

"How dare he?!" I growled angrily. Fuming with anger, I drove way above the speed limit, dodging cars and traffic as I drove as fast as I could away from base.
Several hours later, and I was in Minnesota. I had gone well above the speed limit, and evaded several cops, but had managed to finally calm down. However, I did not feel like driving all the way back, so I merely called for a ground bridge. I was currently in the middle of nowhere, with no cars or civilians around me.

"Hey, Ratchet, can you send me a ground bridge?" I say into the comm unit.

"Yes", came the reply before an even more stunned reply. "What are doing all the way in Minnesota?"

"I went for a drive", I stated with a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

"You've only been gone for five hours", Ratchet says.

"So I may have sped a bit, but hey, no one got injured. Can you just send a ground bridge?"

Ratchet grumbles but a ground bridge opens and I drive through, transforming. Optimus was there waiting for me.

"Historia, I apologize for my words earlier. I had not realized they would upset you", Optimus spoke. I give him a soft smile.

"It's alright, Optimus. I shouldn't have snapped you like that; you didn't know. Just try not to bring it up in the future?"

"Indeed", Optimus murmurs.

"Perhaps one day I'll tell you why it bothered me so much, but... today is not that day", I say softly. Optimus smiles softly.

"I will wait patiently for that day then", he says. I look at him curiously. No one has ever had this much interest- or patience- with me and my past before.

I look away with a sigh as I walk past. It's probably just pity... yeah... that's probably it...

I go to berthroom and lie down on my berth, hoping to get some rest, but none came. Soon, almost everyone else had gone to get some recharge, but I still could not sleep. I had too much on my mind. Soon, morning came and I still had not managed to fall into recharge. It didn't help that it was a Monday, and I was forced to get up and go to school.

I sigh and quickly drove out of base into Jasper, activating my holoform as I entered the school parking lot. It was there that I spotted Jack, Rafael, and Miko sitting on the front steps on the school. I smiled softly at them before walking past. I already had to deal with them at the base, I wasn't going to deal with them here. Unfortunately, Rafael just had to call my name.


I sigh before turning back towards Rafael, and stopping close enough to hear what he had to say.

"Apparently there's a rumor going around that some boy likes you", he says. Miko was snickering softly, so I sighed.

"I doubt that to be true, Rafael. Besides, even if it was, it would not work out. You know why", I say gently. I hear Miko stop snickering immediately.

"Dang it, I was hoping you would fall for that!" she exclaimed.

I sigh. "Miko, it's not a good idea to toy with one's emotions. Trust me. It just leads to more problems, and can cause a lot of harm."

"Oh? And what do you know about that?" Miko taunts.

I glared at her. "Trust me. A lot." I started to walk past her, but paused for a moment. "There's a lot more to a person than meets the eye, Miko. For me, especially, and it would be best not to judge when you first meet someone, because it could hurt feelings and ruin a possible friendship."

I could feel many people staring at me, but I could care less.

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