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'If I die young, bury me in satin'

'Lay me down on a bed of roses'

'Sink me in a river at dawn'

'Send me away with the words of a love song'

These were the words of my favourite song.

I was out with my guitar, plying a few songs, singing to earn some money for college.

I enjoyed singing and playing the guitar. So why not give it a go?

I was seated on a park bench near my house. It was a beautiful day. I hope I'll earn more today, I thought.

Just then, a little kid ran up to me. He had those cute, huge grey eyes that showed wonder as if he was staring at the universe.

He was staring at my guitar. Surprised, I stopped playing.

However, he threw a tantrum shouting," Play. Play!"

"Well, what song do you want me to play?" I asked gently.

"Hm..." The kid thought hard," Twinkle Twinkle!"

"Hm. Why not you sing with me?"


'Twinkle twinkle little star,'

'How I wonder what you are.'

'Up above the world so high,'

'Like a diamond in the sky.'

'Twinkle twinkle little star,'

'How I wonder what you are.'

I sang slowly for the little boy to keep up.

Once we finished, I clap my hands and praised him for singing so well.

He gleamed back at me with pride shimmering in his eyes.

"George! There you are. I've been looking everywhere do you." Out of nowhere, a young lady came toward us.

"Mummy! Mummy, she said I sang well!"



"That's great but we have to go home now."

Nodding his head, the boy ran off, heading towards another man.

"I'm so sorry he bothered you." She apologised once he was out of earshot.

"No. No... It was fine. Really." I assured her."

With that, she walked away speedily towards her son and her husband.

Just then, I realised it was already 6. It was going to get dark soon.

I packed my bag and placed the guitar gingerly into the case after picking up the money in it. There was 10 bucks in it.

Pleased with myself, I picked up my stuff and headed towards home.

Right when I stood up front the bench, a man clad in a pair black jeans with a white shirt and a grey hoodie appeared in front of me.

He asked," Can you play a song, for me, please?"

"Well, I..."

I was tired and hungry but I can't miss this.

If he wants me to sing then I shall.

"Fine, I guess." I replied reluctantly.

"Hey... I'm sorry. I- I shouldn't have." He apologised.


"Oh... its fine."

"No. Let me... let me treat you to dinner?"




What have I done?

What has gotten into me?

But he looks so cute...

"So, Erm what's your name?" He asked as we made our way to the nearby restaurant.

"I'm Sueann. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Liam," I greeted, shaking his hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Sueann. Just a question, do you know who I am?"

"Yea. You're Liam, right?"

"Yea. Well, I mean... You really don't know who I am?"

"Nope,"I said, popping the p.

"Do you know the band 'One Direction'?"

"Yea, heard of it. Why?"

"I'm from the band!"

"Oh really?" I asked, not believing what he is saying.

When we arrived at the restaurant, he received a call.

Excusing himself to answer the call, I went inside to find a place to seat.

When I sat down, he came back as mad said," I'm so so so sorry. I- I've got something on... I'm so so so sorry."

"Oh..." I was really disappointed. I was hoping to get to know him better.

But oh well...

"How bout this? You give me your number and I'll go first. But I'll invite you out and treat you another time. Just maybe not now... I'm really really sorry."

"Erm sure." I took his phone and gave him my number. He seemed really happy.

Winking at me, he said," It's a deal, then."

"Mhm." I said, nodding my head.

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