Harry's Death

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“Rose,” I took a gulp, trying to swallow the bile that was rising up my throat, before I continued. “She was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I remember the first time seeing her. She had that crazy smile that I had fallen for almost immediately.” I sighed as I remember her sweet face, with that smile. Her beautiful smile with all her teeth showing, with her eyes almost closed, with wrinkles at her eyes.

“I remember when we met, she had wanted me to jump into that fountain! She was one crazy girl. But I love her, with all my heart. She lit up my life, making me smile whenever I was down. I should have known. All the signs were leading to this.” I frowned slightly as I remembered the day I found her in the tub.

“I’m sorry. All of this was my fault. I shouldn’t have jumped into the fountain with her. I shouldn’t have smiled at her. I shouldn’t have introduced myself. But being the selfish jerk I am, I didn’t regret this. Not one bit. I loved her with all my heart and I never regretted all the time I had made her smile, made her laugh.”

“She said she wanted me to move on, to be happy. But I guess what she hadn’t thought was that she had stolen all of my heart away, that I don’t have any heart to give anyone else.” Looking at the bright blue sky above all of us, I said, with a smile on my lips, “I love you, Rose, but I don’t think I can fulfill your wish.”

It was Rose funeral. I was dressed in my best, in a pure white button up shirt, black dress jacket and black dress pants with a black tie.

No one knew about how I truly felt about her. She was my lifeline. She was the one who had been there for me when there was all the hate. She was the one that I always wanted to make her smile, because only then will I smile. I knew something was wrong when she stopped smiling.

I should have seen it earlier. She had stopped smiling, stopped laughing, stopped being carefree. But I had thought she was upset about me being on tour, so I brushed it off. But now, I regretted. I regretted hanging up on her because of sound checks. I love her so much. Why must she be taken away?

Sitting back down, I remember coming home from the studio, missing her. As soon as I stepped into the house, I knew something was wrong. My Rose-radar wasn’t working. Butterflies in my stomach and a smile were the side effect of being in the same house as her. However, that day, when I stepped into my house, my stomach was tightened into a knot, and I had no idea why.

When I looked for her, I found her in the toilet in the most horrible position possible.

She was lying in the tub. In her right hand was a razor while her left wrist has a red, bloody scar. Her head was lying back, lifeless as ever, while her knees were bent. Her left hand was on her knees while the blood slowly trickled down her calf. She was lying in a pool of her own red crimson blood.

I could feel my stomach dropped almost immediately. A screamed escaped my mouth as I rushed towards the lifeless body in front of me. Grabbing her by the crook of her neck, I shook her violently, desperately trying to wake her up. I knew what had happened. But, I really hoped she woke up all of a sudden and screamed at me about how my face was and it was all a pranked. I was hopping I could wake up from this horrid dream of mine.

But nothing happened.

I stared into her blue eyes that once held so much life, so much happiness. Her face was as pale as a sheet and her body ice cold.

“No, this cant be happening,” I kept mumbling to myself, wanting it to come true. But it didn’t.

“Why?” I yelled at her, starting to get angry. Angry at her for leaving me, angry at myself for not seeing the signs earlier.

I climbed into the tub and gingerly carried the lifeless body in my arms. I place my head in the crook of her neck, taking in her scent.

After about any hour, something came over me. I stopped crying. Maybe because I had ran out of tears to cry. I took my phone out and, using my stained finger, I dialed Liam’s number.


But now, all of that is in the past.

Now, I am now lying in the tub, the exact tub that Rose had bled her life out in. These memories came rushing back to me. The time when I first met her. The time when we first kissed.

I loved –no-- I still love her.

I took the piece of folded paper that was tucked in my pocket and gingerly opened it.

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry for everything that I've done. By the time you are home from the studio, I'll be watching you from above.

You told me that the hate was bearable as long as you're here. The hate wasn't bearable when you were on the tour, maybe because you weren't there, maybe because they wanted to take it to a whole new level.

Despite all of that, I really don't blame you. I don't blame you for being a celebrity. I don't blame you for being the dream guy for millions of girls.

I never regretted one moment with you.

I love you so much but you have to forget about me.

I know you'll never want to move on. I know you. But I want you to move on.

You were my world. My universe. My everything. And I know I am too, to you.

So, I never want you to ever forget about me or our precious moment.

This is my last wish, for you to find someone else you love.


I covered my mouth as a sob escaped from my mouth. A tear dropped down onto the piece of pure white paper along with other dried tears on the paper.

She was right. I'm never ever going to move on, I thought to myself as I shook my head. I grabbed the razor that Rose used and started to twirl it around with my fingers. It felt cool against my warm skin. And just like that, I had placed it above my wrist.

Gripping the razor tightly, I pressed it down to the vulnerable skin on my wrist. As I pulled the cool piece of metal across my wrist, I felt my hand go numb. I stared at the blood that was gushing out of my wrist.

I felt nothing. I felt nothing except for the pain deep in my chest, longing for my other half.

The red crimson blood stated to drip down to the pure white tub, staining it. I stared at the ripples of each drop of blood falling into the puddle of fresh blood in the tub, my mind completely blank.

Nothing. I still felt nothing. 

Furrowing my brows, I questioned myself about the white spots that were beginning to clear my vision.

Did Rose go through this too? I asked myself, thinking about Rose again. My mind was filled with her and a tear rolled down my cheek.

Not wanting to fight the blurry vision, I leaned back; feeling tired all of a sudden, and closed my eyes gently, feeling another tear roll down my cheek.

I’m tired; but I don’t care.

I’m cold; but I don’t care.

All I want now is Rose.

“Harry,” a calm soothing voice reverberated all around me as I tried to see in all the white.



A/N: So... Did you guys cry??? Anyway, tell me how you feel, like sriosly, i need to know if i'm doing good or not. Anyway, I'll try updating once a week oronce every two weeks next year, due to, ya know, work and school and stuff... So... Anyway, don't forget to vote and comment! Love y'all! :D

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