Snape and Harry

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Jamie fiddeled with his timeturner, making it able to all sortts of things it hadn't been able to do before. He finished his homework, that his proffesors had set over the holidays, and paced his room for a bit, wondering if it was safe to go down yet.

He glanced at his bookshelf thinking that maybe he'd read one of his fathers' adventures in school before he went down, when a sudden thought struck him. He quickly pulled out some parchment and a quill. On one piece of parchment, he made a list of people he would need. on another he wrote down his plan. Just as he finished, his door opened and in stepped a man with torquise hair.

"James, Harry said it's safe for you to come down now. What are you doing?" He asked curious, for James had stuffed the parchment out of sight.

"Planning something. Why?" James asked nervously.

"Better not be another prank James, Ginny wouldn't like it if she found out I knew and didn't stop you."

"You're only twenty-four Teddy, you haven't been out of school for very long yet. How are you supposed to stop me?"

"Dude, I'm an auror."

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting."

"Show me James, or I'll tell Ginny you were planning something."

Reluctently, James pulled out the parchment that had his plans on it, and handed it to Teddy.

"You want to change the past? It's illegal James, I'd have to arresst you for this."

"Not our past Teddy, I was thinking of creating a new timeline, it's not changing the past then, rather creating a new future -"

"In a time that didn't exist before." Teddy finished, understaning dawning on him. "You're going to create a better future for us, without affecting our time."

"It should work, there's nothing about changing what happens, without affecting the time we originally come from."

"I think you found the loophole that no one ever thinks about." Teddy said in awe. "Brilliant Jamie. I'm coming with you, though. You'll need an adult to back you up."

"I am an adult Teddy. I'm seventeen."

Teddy rolled his eyes. "You know what I meant. Any way, are we doing this or not? 'Cause if we are, we better get going."

"Yeah, yeah. Fine you can come." James said, grabbing the books and time turner and running out of his room, Teddy followed.

"Mum Dad, Teddy and I are going out for a while."

"Alright dear, be good."

"Bye guys, see you whenever we get back." Teddy called. Grasping James arm he turned on the spot and they vanished.

Reappearing out side the gates of Hogwarts, Teddy let go of James, and tapped his wand on the gates. They swung open, and the two boys raced up the drive after Teddy closed them.

"Pinapple fritter!" James called to the gargoyle that gaurded the headmistress' office.

"I'm not even going to questiuon how you know the password." Teddy said as they ran up the stairs.

"McGonigall, feels that it saves time if I know the password, considering how often I'm in here." James explained with a grin.

"I'm not surprised." Teddy said dryly. "Hullo proffesor." He added cheerily, as McGonigall looked up.

"And what exactly are you two doing in my office when neither of you are supossed to be here?"

"Sorry, no time to explain." James said flinging the time turners chain over Teddys' head and setting the time.

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