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"Where are we Proffesor?" Harry asked when he could breath again.

"My home, I figured you didn't want people to see you like that." Snape said disappearing through a door. He came back in a moment, and handed several potions to Harry. "Drink them, they'll help. I'm going to brew some more, it may take a while." In truth, Snape was going to brew a special potion as well as the ones he just gave Harry. "For now, if you care to take a nap, there's a guest room upstairs first door on your right, the bathrooms next to it."

"Thanks proffesor." Harry drank his potions then went upstairs. He knew that that hadn't been a suggestion and knew Snape would be mad if he didn't.

"Oh and Potter!" Harry reappeared at the top of the stairs. "If you can't sleep, do your homework, or read, whatever you do, do not disturb me, some of these potions are complicated and are extreamly dangerous if messed up."

"Yes Proffesor."

- three hours later-


"Coming!" Harry apeared not to long after that.

"Take these, they should clear up any bruises still there. Did they do anything else to you?"

"No more than usual, actually, they've been pretty leniant sincce Aunt Marge was there."

Snape's eyes narrowed. "Take your shirt off Potter." Harry suddenly looked wary, but did as he was told. "Turn around."

Harry shifted his feet but didn't turn around. "Turn. Around. Now." Snape hissed.

 Harry did so slowly. Snape cursed. "Stay there." a few minuets later Harry felt something cold being smeared on his back.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously.

"This is a paste that will heal these cuts." His hand was gentle on Harrys' back.

"No offense sir, but why do you care if I'm covered in bruises and cuts or not? You hate me."

"No I don't. It's all an act Harry. Besides, My childhood doesn't seem to be very different from yours."


"My father abused me too. The only person who cared was your mother."

"How did you know what my parents did sir?"

"Lily was my friend for most of our years at Hogwarts. We had a falling out at the end of our fifth year, but I always kept tabs on her after we graduated."


Snape sighed and screwed the lid back on the jar he kept the paste in. "Lily was my only friend growing up. She warned me when I got involved with the wrong type of people, but I didn't listen to her. Now I wish I had."


Snape shook his head. "They led me down the wrong path. I don't want to talk about it."


"Go finish your home work, I've just got this one last potion to finish, then we can go."

"Yes sir."

-Twenty minuets later-

Snape appeared in the doorway to the room Harry was using.

"Potter, this isn't a healing potion, but it will ensure you don't have to go back to those people."

"What is it?"

"It's part of what we call a blood adoption. It basically will make you my son, thus your closest realtive. It cannot be undone, so you may want to think it over for a while."

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