The Date

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This is my very first time trying something like this... Im not sure how well it will go but i promise to try my very best. I also will try my best to edit everything and make it more enjoyable to read, and update as much as possible. Feed back is always awesome also... Thanks for giving it a try. Happy reading. :)

"Kaybri! Hello? Are you in there?" I faintly heard before a hand waved in front of my face, making me flinch in suprise. I sat back on my stool slightly and looked up. I groaned internally. Mr. Merdock stared down at me with percing eyes that made me want to melt into my stool. He raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"Im sorry Mr. Merdock, i'm not feeling all that peachy today..." I said, hoping that would suefice as an excuse. He nodded slightly.

"As I see. Just try to pay attention next time." He said, stressing the word try, before walking back to the front of the class. I had been day dreaming again. It seemed as if i couldnt help it anymore. I always had a problem with drifting off but lately it seemed i couldnt go a simple hour without doing it. The dreams were always something crazy, something i hadnt really been into much before. The dreams were now dragging me into the world of things that shouldnt exsist; that didnt exsist, i kept telling myself.

My best friend Nicole had said it was amazing and that i could be a fortune teller. She would go on and on about how much she wished she could do it. I always disagreed with her. Sometimes it was cool to drift off and see supernatural things, expecially when youre bored. But sometimes it got me in a lot of trouble though. Since i couldnt control when it happened i never expected it and i would sometimes just space out during crusal times.

I pulled my attention back to the white board where chemical formulas were writen. I looked at the clock and sighed heavely in disappointment. I wouldnt have enough time to copy all of the formulas down before school ended, it looked like i was going to be staying a few minutes after again. Staying wouldnt have been so bad if i didnt have to put up with Mr. Merdocks lectures and him talking to himself.

I started copying the formulas down as quickly as i could, hoping that i wouldnt have to stay any longer then two minutes after school. The bell rang and i kept copying. Three more, come on, I thought to myself. My work was sloppy and bearly readable but i would copy it again later if it meant that i could get out of the room before Mr. Merdock started playing Dr. Jackel and Mr. Hyde Parts, by himself.

"Miss. Monte I really-" Mr. Merdock began as he saw me still sitting in my seat and copying.

"Thanks Mr. Merdock. You're a great teacher!" I said, quickly getting up and rushing out of the room, leaving my Chemistry teacher in shock. I sighed, releived, when i finally got to the parking lot. I stared hard at my car, it looked like someone was in it, but i couldnt tell. I quickened my pace ever so slightly, trying not to look suspisiouse, but trying to figure out who was there.

I rolled my eyes when i realized is was Nicole. She had her hand out the window, making waving motions that people do when they drive. As i got closer i could hear her making woosh noises. I smiled and shook my head, my best friend was a dork. I got into the drivers seat and turned on the car before quickly pulling out.

"You're late." Nicole stated, still waving her arm in the air out the window.

"I had to finish copying formulas for Chemistry." I shrugged.

"Drift off again?" She asked, looking at me this time. I nodded.

"What was it this time?" She asked, i looked at her. Her wide blue eyes looked overly interested.

"I really cant remeber. It was one of those times where i drifted and was pulled out too quickly before it registered to memory." I lied. She frowned and nodded dissapointed before looking back out her window. I didnt want to go into detail of my Alice in wonderland like trance. We sat in silence until we got to my house. We went inside and grabbed soda's from the fridge before heading up to my room.

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