The paint

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Sorry this one is so short.I promise they will get longer. I just didnt have as much time as i was hoping for this chapter. Thanks. :)

The days flew by in a blur. I wanted nothing more than for them to slow down. Nicole talked non-stop about Nathen. They were nearly insperable. It was almost disguting. I thought of nothing but how to evade Luke. Nothing seemed to make sense with himm anymore. I watched as girls threw themselves at him and he did nothing but smirk and push them off. In the past he would make out with one while another sat on his lap. He liked a crowd.

When I fell into my day dreams they were always of wolves now. Wolves and Luke. We hadnt talked since the day he stood agaist my locker but i couldnt seem to get him out of my head. I didnt want Saturday to come. I wasn't ready.I needed to find a way out of this. There was still too much to think about.

Friday came and i decided to take the day off. Being at school wouldnt have done me much good considering I couldnt think straight, and when i could a day dream over power my senses.

I wasted half of the day in bed. When i finally decided to get up and move around i went down stairs. I found my mom passed out in the recliner, hugging a bottle of Jack. Frowning i slid the bottle out from under her arms and covering her with a blanket.

My mom never used to be like this. I dont recal her ever drinking more than a glass of holiday wine once a year, before dads death that is. She wouldnt even recognize herself now. She had been a picture of irregular beauty. Her cheeks were always full and rosey. Her hair was like shining silk. Now her cheeks were sunken in and her hair frizzed in every direction. She had also been one of the sweetest people anyone had ever known. She was still nice but nothing close in comparison to her old self. She became almost selfish. I felt abandoned. I kissed her forehead, knowing that she was trying her best. Even if her best wasnt much.


It was saturday. The day i was going to finally collect my favor. I could barely containe myself all week. It got harder every single day because of the dreams of her every night. Dreams of running through the woods just to find her. I always lept at her and she always hugged me, lovingly. In the dreams she always accepted me in both forms. It gave me hope that she would accept me outside of the dream also.

There was something special about her. I had never met someone that was as amazing as she was. I hardly knew her and i was falling all over myself just to be next to her. It was almost terrifying how much i already adored her. I never thought it could be possible. Since I had first taken a good look into her face i knew i would never be the same.

My whole world seemed to be changing. I used to take nearly any girl to my bed as long as she was hot, willing, and i knew i wouldnt have to deal with her in the morning. Now any girl that hung on me was pushed off in annoyance. I had no desire to be anywhere near those girls. I also had no desire to explain to my parents that I could have a human for a mate.

It was so rare to have human mates that it was almost unheard of. The last one had been thirty-two years ago. It really was unheard of for it to happen to an alpha. Part of me didnt care and wasnt ashamed. But another big part of me wanted this to be one big joke. I was almost afraid to act on it. Finding you're mate is one of the best things that can happen in a wolves life.

The only way it was possible to have more than one mate is if one dies. Then your wolf soul goes in search of another. Maybe I was lucky and this was just my wolf soul getting confused. Maybe when i go to confirm it will see its mistake. There was no way I, Luke Conoway, alpha, could have a human mate. All i needed was to confirm it with a kiss and my wolf would find my real one. I was sure of it. One kiss. I could do that, i kissed more girls than i could keep track of.

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