The conclusion.

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The light peaking through my curtains stung my eyes until i was forced to wake up. I groaned and scrubbed my face. The clock on my bed side table stated that i could have slept for another twenty minutes. Closing my eyes i chastised myself for drinking so much all weekend. This had to be one of the worst hang overs i had ever had.

I had felt like shit for ditching Kaybri at first but the longer the weekend went on the worse it got. It got to the point that i was fighting myself to call her. I had thought sleeping with Jessica would take my mind off of her. But it hadnt helped at all. Thats when i decided to get drunk. When that didnt help i called more girls.

An arm came across my middle and i groaned again. Turning i saw Ashely and beside her was Kelly. I shook my head disgusted with myself. I knew one thing for sure, neither of these girls were what i wanted. I had made a huge mistake. There had to be a way to fix this.... except i didnt want to. I wanted to be myself again. I wanted to enjoy three somes, not be disgusted when i woke up from them. I pealed myself out from under Ashley.

I walked into the bathroom and slammed the door, trying to wake the girls up. I wanted them gone before i was done. I didnt want to see their faces or to have to deal with them. I couldnt even act like myself towards them. I felt hostile. It was like i was a completely different person, and that pissed me off. What had this bitch done to me? Maybe if i bagged her it would fix everything. Sexual frustration, that had to be it.

I let the water pour over me, hoping it would wash away my tenson. I would have to see her today. I would woo her into my bed and get this over with. Do her once and get rid of her. Be my old self, how i missed that ol' bastard. Knowing my mind was made up i turned the water off and left the shower. I wrapped a towel around my hips and walked into my room glad they were gone. I didnt have the patience to be nice today. I had one thing on my mind, my mission was set. Attack and conquer.



Other than finishing painting my room the weekend had been uneventful. I pushed Luke to the edges of my thoughts, keeping him at a safe distance. I decided not to let him get to me. He wasnt worth it. I had better things to think about, like the rest of my senior year. But just because i was over him didnt mean i couldnt make him see what he was missing out on. I had recently discovered that i actually liked dressing up.

I woke up early just to take a little extra time prettying myself up. I curled my own hair, with little insident. I was even able to put makeup on without hurting myself or going blind. It was wonders what you could do with a little bit of makeup. Nicole would be so proud.

As soon as I pulled up to the school my nerves went into over drive. After getting out of my car all eyes seemed to be on me. There was whispering all around me. I wasnt sure if it was a good thing or if I was being made fun of. Holding my head high, I decided not to care. I had done this for myself, and I thought that I looked rather smashing.

It didnt take long for me to find Nicole. It was easy to find her. I only had to look for her six foot three boyfriend. Her head was in her locker, looking for something, while Nathen went on about something. I leaned against the locker next hers while she finished rooting through her locker. Nathen gave me a quizzical look. I smiled at him, he really was that dense. He didnt realize it was me. She finally pulled her head out of her locked and jerked back when she looked at me.

"Who the hell are you, and what have you done with Kaybri?" He eyes looked like the could pop out of her head. I smiled and laughed a bit. Nathen made a shocked sound and looked at me like I was the queen of England or something. I shook my head at him. "Girl, turn your ass around and let me see this new you!" She exclaimed, shoving me into circles.

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