Chapter 9

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You didn't sleep at all. You were fully dressed, waiting on the clock to strike 5am. That's when lady Tsunade would be in her office.

You checked the time. 4:30 am, if you left Now you'd get there at around 5am.

It was still dark out, you could barely see anything. You were walking on muscle memory alone.

The scene played over and over in your mind. How Kakashi was kissing another woman. You knew you couldn't be angry at him. After all he wasn't yours and never will be.

You sat out side the Hokages office waiting for lady Tsunade to come. It was around 5:30am when she did.

"(Y/N) What are you doing here?" You looked up to see lady Tsunade standing in front of you. The smell of alcohol was over powering.

"I want to be assigned to another team." You said as you got up.

"What? No you cannot be assigned to another team. It's way too much paper work." She walked into her office.

"I won't leave until you assign me to another team." Tsunade quickly turned around, not realising you followed her inside.

"(Y/N) I am not assigning you to another team unless you have a valid reason for wanting to move."

"I do have a valid reason."

She sat down at her desk. "Well let's hear it then."

You tried thinking of a lie on the spot but you were terribly bad at doing that. "I... uhm... hate... Sa..ku...ra..." Lady Tsunade wasn't amused with your excuse.

"Get out of my office before I kick you out!"

"Yes ma'am." You quickly left before lady Tsunade killed you.

Dammit! That plan didn't work. You guess you could become a rogue ninja and join the Akatsuki. It was a bad joke of course, however you considered it for a micro second none the less.

Would this new woman always be around? Would she come with us on missions? Would you have to constantly watch as they kiss and do couples things together in front of you?

There was nothing you could do about it now. All you could do was push your feelings deep down

You decided to meet up with your team at the bridge you always did. Everyone was there except Kakashi. "Good morning everyone." They all greeted you.

Eventually after 2 hours Kakashi arrived and gave one of his excuses again. He glanced over at you and you quickly looked away.

Training wasn't too bad today. Just a few sparring matches and practicing ninjutsu.

"(Y/N), can we talk?" Kakashi asked you as the others were leaving. It would seem strange if you denied him.

"Sure." You followed him to the training posts.

"(Y/N) about what you saw yesterday."

"Don't Kakashi. You don't have to explain. I'm happy for you."

"(Y/N), no you don't understand It was..."

You interrupted him again. "No I do. I was stupid to think you'd ever like me." You figured he already knew about your crush. Why else would he want to address what happened yesterday. There was no use hiding it now. "I mean I get it, she's beautiful, shes talented she's..."

This time you were interrupted by Kakashi. It took you a moment to realise Kakashis soft lips were pressed against yours. It happened all so fast, you didn't even notice him taking his mask off. He pulled your body closer to his, deepening the kiss.

He pulled away from the kiss and stared deeply into your eyes. "She's not you." He finished the rest of your sentence.

"Wait what?" He quickly stepped back at your response.

"Unless I read all the signs wrong." He seemed worried. He should be, if he did read all the signs wrong then he just sexually harassed you.

"No no... it's just I thought you and that other woman." He gave out a long and frustrated sigh.

"That other woman isn't a factor. She fell ontop of me as she was getting down her stage." He approached you again. "I was the happiest man alive when I say you cry at the sight of her and I kissing."

"Wait what! Kakashi if this is you being romantic I think I've seen enough!" You folded your arms in anger, turning slightly away from him.

"No no let me explain. Let me just get one thing clear. I take no pleasure in seeing you in any kind of pain. That said, I've been thinking about your behaviour lately. Why you suddenly changed after our mission. At first I thought it was because you were mad at me for letting Haru hurt you. However that didn't really make too much sense as you started acting funny only after we got back from the mission. More specifically after I broke up with you. I wasn't sure though. But when I saw how upset you were when you thought I kissed that woman the only explanation was that you had feelings for me."

You blushed because it was all true. You were a little irritated that he didn't figure it out sooner. Although you could have said something too...

"You pretty much hit the nail on the head Kakashi." You fiddled with your fingers nervously.

"Now that thats all cleared up." Kakashi put his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him. Your heart was beating so fast and hard you could actually hear it. "Are you okay? You look like you're about to faint."

"I'm just really nervous. I mean I do really like you but this is my first time doing anything like this."

He laughed lightly at your remark. "Okay I'll take things slow." He let go of your waist but he stayed in place. "How about we go out to dinner, tomorrow."

"Yes that would be nice." He then held out his arm for you to take and walked you back to your apartment.

The two of you were walking through the village. Kakashi was reading his book while you were hooked into his arm. "Hey Kakashi." Guy approached the two of you. "I see you finally confessed your feelings to (Y/N)."

"Yeah, I did." He said putting his book away.

"We have to go out to celebrate! Just the three of us." He squeezed himself between the two of you and swung his arms around your shoulders.

"Actually I have some things that need to be taken care of and (Y/N) Just finished training plus she had no sleep last night so she's probably exhausted." Kakashi interjected.

"Oh well. Tomorrow night then for sure."

"Actually (Y/N) and I..." before Kakashi could finish his sentence Guy left.

"Have plans..." He said after Guy left. "Come on let's go." Kakashi took your hand and guided you back to your apartment.

You loved how your fingers intertwined with each other's. You felt so safe with Kakashi, like nothing could ever hurt you again.

When you both arrived at your apartment, Kakashi took the liberty of unlocking the door for you. You keep forgetting he had your spare key. "Do you mind if I keep this?"

"Why? So you can break into my apartment to watch me sleep?" You joked.

"Exactly." He said calmly. You looked at him shocked, not sure how to  respond to him. "I'm kidding relax." He laughed at how gullable you were.

He opened the door and followed you inside. "I have to leave unfortunaly. I have some paper work to get through. However I'll see you tomorrow morning." He kissed you which caught you off guard a bit but you soon got into the rhythm. "Sleep well." He smiled at you before leaving.

As soon as you were sure he was out of ear shot you jumped up and down in joy. "Kakashi likes me! Kakashi likes me!" You were possibly the happiest girl in the whole village.

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