Jom and Terry 2: large corporate debt

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When we last left off, Jom and Terry we're about to get shot by some spicy banditos. Neato burrito right?
Anyways, here's the story.

Jom and Terry knew what to do. "I know what to do" said Jom. "Indeed." Said Terry. "I too know what to do." "Indeed." Replied Jom. They both went Super Saiyan. "AAAAAaaaAaaaaAAfrica" they yelled.
Within seconds, they hid the bodies.

Let's fast forward a few years. Jom and Terry now own Tesla and Microsoft. However, being half mouse and half cat, neither of them know how to handle a large business.

"I don't know how to handle a large business." Said Terry. "Indeed." Replied Jom. "I also do not know how to handle a large business." "This may be a problem." Said Jom. "Indeed." Replied Terry. "This may, in fact, be a problem." "Indeed." Replied Jom. They began to consider their options. "Hmm... Maybe we should spend a lot of money. That could help us make money." Said Terry. "Indeed." Replied Jom. "That could help us make a lot of money." "Indeed." Said Terry. They looked up how to spend money on Google and found something. "I have found something on Google." Said Jom. "Indeed." Replied Terry. "You have found something on Google." "Indeed." Said Jom. "This says that using a quick loan service is very useful for spending money." Said Jom. "Indeed." Replied Terry. "It does say using a quick loan service is very useful for spending money." "Indeed." Said Jom. "Let's register."
And so they did.
First, they bought a couch, then they bought a car, then bought a house, then they bought a lifetime supply of onion juice, then they bought 1000000000 mini statues of Statefarm employees, then they bought this account, then they realized the content was trash and they gave it back, then they bought the moon, and finally, their card filled up with 78.5 billion dollars that they owed. "Hey, what do you do when you're done buying the stuff?" Asked Terry. "Good question." Replied Jom. "Let's look it up." But at that moment, the power was shut off because they didn't pay any bills.
"Oh pooperoni and cheese pizza." Exclaimed Jom calmly. "We can no longer search anything up on Google."
"This is bad." Commented Terry. So they decided to find a way to turn the power back on. They began to collect phone chargers and extension cords. About three years later, they finally got enough cords and chargers to power their computer. They plugged the extension cords into the outlets and each other. Then they plugged the chargers into their computer and booted it up. "Hey, let's figure out what to do to stop getting that mail that says to pay them." Said Jom. And so they searched it up on Google. "It says here to pay them..." Said Terry, who then muttered some gibberish. "But we have no money." Said Jom. "We should abandon this company thing." Said Terry. "Indeed." Replied Jom. "We should." And so they walked out into the wilderness to Canada, committing tax evasion in the process.

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