💕 Your Warmth 💕

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   It was awfully nice of Kokichi to invite me over to look around in his lab. A bit of a weird thing to ask, but I desist. I gave a little smile. It was getting late anyways, so he's heading off now, I assume. "Well, gotta go Kiiboy!" Kokichi said, snickering. I gave a little laugh as well. For some reason, the silly nicknames he gives me don't bother me anymore. Kokichi jiggled the doorknob. Then he did so again, but more aggressively. He froze.
   "What's wrong, Kokichi?" I asked. He was quiet; then he spoke softly.
   "The door... The door is jammed." It took me a second. Then it finally sunk in. Oh. Oh.
   "Ok, wait! Let me try!" I walked up beside him and tried the door. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. "...Darn. Well, it should be okay. We can just wait it out until morning." But.. For some reason, Kokichi was still quiet. This was very unlike him. He'd usually say something silly or poke fun at me by now. Something like, "Wow, aren't robots supposed to be strong?", or something of that sort. But... Nothing. He just stood there with a pale face. I put my hand on his shoulder. It was trembling slightly. "What's wrong, Kokichi?" He gave a deep sigh, and then spoke softly.
   "T-They shut off all the power after dark... And..." Suddenly, there was a loud flick of a switch, and it all went pitch black. Kokichi let out a horrid screech. I quickly took him into my arms, realizing the issue.
   "Kokichi, are you scared of the dark?" His soft trembling in my arms was an answer enough, but I wanted him to confirm.
   "N-No!" He sighed with a hitched breath. "That's a lie... Yeah. I am... I sleep with a nightlight..." I could hear soft sniffling from him.
   "Shh... It's alright. Look." I pressed on my chest and a blue light shone softly through my school uniform. I could see Kokichi's face now. A tear has streaked down his cheek. I went to wipe it, but he pushed my hand away.
   "S-Stop. I don't need y-your babying." His face had gone to a slightly red color, tinting his cheeks. I raised an eyebrow.
   "Do you want me to turn off the light then?"
   "...N-No." I gave the slightest of sweet smiles.
   "Then just let me help you. I know how you must feel."
   "No y-you don't. Robots aren't a-afraid of anything." Despite him having a tear streaked face, he managed to get another robophobic jab at me.
   "That's not true."
   "H-Huh? What?"
   "I do have one fear."
   "Don't you dare s-say you're scared of dying or something. Everyone has t-that."
   "No, I was not going to say that." I then leaned into his ear; the soft whirring coming my body sounding more pronounced in the silence. Then I whispered. "I'm scared of the ocean." Oma's eyes widened.
   "What? Really?" He tilted his head. "What about the ocean?" His eyes looked into mine. He looked genuinely curious.
   "Oh, uh... I'm scared I'll get washed out into the deep ocean and sink right down. And... Never find my way out." I refused to break his gaze saying this.
   "Woah. That's scary."
   "Hahah, yeah. I'm fine relaxing at the shore, but I'm scared to go in the actual ocean." I gave a soft smile. Suddenly, a cold draft filled the classroom. Kokichi gave a violent shiver.
   "D-Dammit. It's gonna start getting really cold now that the heater shut off as well." Kokichi was right. If it got any colder, Kokichi would surely catch a cold. I thought for a second. Then I began slowly unbuttoning my shirt. "H-Hey! What t-the hell are you d-doing?!" I was confused by his extravagant reaction.
   "Huh? It'll help conduct better without my shirt."
   "Conduct? What? Huuuuh?" I gave a little giggle, and finished taking off my school uniform shirt, my chest exposed. It began glowing a calming red instead of blue. "Okay, just what are you-!" I took him into my arms, burying his face in my chest. "Mph-! ...M-Mmm..." He stopped resisting  after he realized my chest was heating up, I assume. I giggled again.
   "Shut up." I began softly laughing, making my face blushed. He cocked his head up to look at me, his face twice as blushed. "Hey Keeboy-!" That nickname again; It's actually kinda cute. I looked back down at him. "-Sit down please." I was taken aback by his sudden request, but I complied, him sitting down to my side. "Oh, uhm... also..."
   "Yes, Kokichi?"
   "Are you able to make your face warm too?"
   "Well, yes. Why?"
   "Show me. Do it."
   "Do it do it do it do it do it!" He blurted out at me, smiling.
   "Okay, okay! Alright." My face slowly went red, mixing in with the soft pinks on my face. "Why did you want this?" I then realized he... was straddling my lap. "K-Kokichi-?!" I was suddenly cut off. His soft lips were planted onto mine. Kokichi's hands have slipped up onto me; one behind my neck, and one on my cheek. I was in complete shock. How... do I react? He then began slowly moving his lips. What is this feeling? So soft... So nice. He stopped for a second, pulling away just a bit. He slowly opened his eyes.
   "You haven't done this before, huh?" I slowly shook my head no. He smirked. "Just follow my lead, okay?" I nodded, my eyes sparkling. He then pulled me back in. He continued to softly kiss my lips. He pulled me closer than the last time, coercing me to follow his lead; although rather shoddily. He used his hand on my neck to gently tilt my head to the right. His way of leading... felt so... calming. I finally melted into the kiss, and started to kiss back more properly, getting a little hum of approval from Kokichi. I reached up and ran my hand through his dark purple locks. He leaned deeper into my lap, making me lean backwards. I could feel him biting my lip slightly in between every few kisses. I tried to match him, but he was clearly dominating me. He fondled my lips with his one last time, before pulling away. He was quiet, and then began laughing. It wasn't his usual laugh though. It was much more... pure. He fell into my chest, still laughing. I began laughing too. I don't know why. I just started laughing. I couldn't stop. What is this? I looked down at Kokichi. Tears were running down his face.
   "Ah! Kokichi! You're crying!" He ignored my comment and continued
   "Kiibo! You are just so amazing!" My eyes widened at his sudden praise.
   "Wuh-? What?"
   "You're amazing! That was amazing!" My eyes sparkled, but
   "N-No! I didn't do anything. That was all you. You just led me."
   "Awe, don't be so humble! You did great!" I nervously scratched the back of my head. He placed his hands on my shoulders and peppered my face with kisses. I started giggling uncontrollably.
   "W-Wait! That tickles! A-Ahahahah!" He finally let up after a while.
   "Nishishi... I'm sorry! I just couldn't hold back. You are just so special, Keebo. I can't believe I got this moment from you." I was quiet, contemplating something. "What is it, Kiibo?"
   "What is this?" I pointed to myself and then to him. "What... What are we?"
   "I dunno, Keebo." What do you want us to be?"
   "Uhm... Maybe uh..." I pressed my two index fingers together nervously. "We could... be... together? You know..." I saw Kokichi's eyes sparkle wildly at my statement.
   "Wuh-? Really?" I nodded softly. This made Kokichi spring up in happiness, and hug me tightly. I couldn't help but hug back; softly rubbing his back. A question with a seemingly obvious answer sprung up in my mind, but I decided to ask it anyways. "Would... you like that?" His face was buried in my chest, so I could only hear a muffled hum. "Hm..?" He shot his head up to look at me.
   "Of course! Of course, you dummy!" He smiled widely. That face is adorable when he's not being super creepy and stuff. "If it makes you happy, Kiibo... Of course it'll make me happy." I could feel my body surging with this indescribable feeling. What is this? What is this feeling? Is this...?

Your Warmth [Kiibouma]Where stories live. Discover now