Connor Davies

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Name: Connor Davies

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Half-Warlock Quarter-Fae Quarter-Merman

Job: Works part-time at The Otherside Restaurant and Grill while studying at the University

Faceclaim/Appearance: Tom Holland

Faceclaim/Appearance: Tom Holland

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Personality: An absolute puppy-dog of a human being, Connor is loved by most people he meets

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Personality: An absolute puppy-dog of a human being, Connor is loved by most people he meets. He's sweet, kind and understanding, qualities that usually cause girls to flock around him with hearts in their eyes. Not that he notices. The boy is as blind as a bat when it comes to romance, often getting flustered at the mere notion that someone might like him as more than a friend. He is also a major geek, his intelligence for magic as well as science helping him immensely in school. Just don't think this intelligence equals maturity. The University is still trying to get the glitter out of all the library books...

Likes: Swimming, reading, helping people out, working in Hollyhock Cafe, his family, magic, science, any form of fluffy animal and Star Wars

Dislikes: Bugs of any kind (particularly spiders), hot days, rainy days, hiking, people who disrespect others and his own obliviousness

Hobbies: Rowing, surfing, sailing, baking and woodworking

Pets: A Saint Bernard named Sumo, a German Shepherd named Stark and a Staffordshire Terrier named Pepper

Other: Gains a merman tail when he gets wet and is cousins with Maeve Parker

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