Neetu's Story - Two Lost Souls

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I woke up to the screaming of nidhi. She was shouting because of a freaking lizard. Come on that thing's not gonna eat you up any sooner, they need time to evolve to get to that stage.

That's when I noticed the time it's already 4:30. I had to get ready to meet ritu's brother, ritu was my school friend.she called in a favor yesterday saying that her brother who was apparently studying in my university and was being bullied by some seniors.

Ragging needs to fun but I guess they just crossed their line.It's not that am gonna hit them or anything like that, I can be a tomboy sometimes but am not that boyish enough to kick someone's ass off for petty reasons, I have my ways of making people back off.

Traits of being a girl.

I called her brother and asked him to meet up at CCD. I got ready quickly, as in quickly in 10 minutes kind of quickly.

Girls do get ready quickly as in 10 minutes and if you still think all the girls take time to get ready then I better move your old ass to some museum cause that's where your lousy brain belongs grandpa.

I reached there as quickly as I could but still I was late by 10 minutes. Well I haven't seen him before , so I couldn't quite figure out who he was among all those people. So I called him, as soon as I heard someone's phone ringing I went to that table and sat there saying

'how long have you been waiting?' while adjusting my purse.

I didn't get any response 'Hello am talking to you mister' saying that I saw his face.

'you!!!!' said both of us simultaneously.

That was the flirt whom I bumped into on the jog, what's he doing here? Is he ritu's brother? Come on he doesn't look like her younger brother but shit like this happens even my younger brother looks like my elder brother so why not?

'Ritu told me everything, you need not worry about it, I will take care of it'said I.

' excuse me? Ahh what the hell is happening here again? And ritu told you about what exactly? And what are you gonna take care of? ' asked he.

Are you fucking kidding me right now? I thought ritu told him that I was gonna help him but this idiot is behaving like he doesn't have the slightest of clue of what's happening here. Do I have to tell him the story now? he really looks like he doesn't have any clue. Just then ritu called. I picked up the call and said

' yeah ritu I am sitting in front of your brother, consider this issue resolved'.

That guy gave a weird glance after listening to what I said, that was still a confused look. I mean what's so confusing about what I just said.

'Whom did you even call? My brother said that he didn't get any call from you' said ritu.

'Are you nuts? why did you tell your sister that I didn't call you? talk to her'

saying that I placed the phone on speaker mode . He was about to say something to me but I shouted on him and said

'first tell her that you are here'.

He nodded his head and said

'am here ritu'

'who's this?' asked ritu.

"what the fuck".

'Isn't he your brother?' questioned I.

'no!!! I don't know who the hell he is' answered ritu.

'who are you Mr?' questioned I.

'Finally the moment of realization, I was trying to tell this to you from the start.You neither didn't answered my questions nor let me talk. Now tell me this why are you so authoritative?' questioned that guy.

Shit shit shit I messed up big time. How the hell did this happen?

' ritu sorry I will call you later' saying that I cut the call.

Now am sitting ducks.

" Pretty pissed off guy with a perfectly good reason to lash out on you. The outcome from this unstable nuclear reactor will be outrageous ".

Just then I got a text from ritu which said

'dude actually it was my mistake, I sent you wrong number. The thing is my screen is damaged and when I enter 6 it comes out as 7, I didn't even think of rechecking the number as It felt so silly to me. You will kill me if I call you so here you go'.

Well she was right about one thing. Am so gonna kill her

"Am I the only one that's concerned about the elephant in the room?".

I gave him a fake smile and was about to say something he cut me off in the middle and said

'Ahh!! Before you say something am gonna order myself a chicken sandwich, so what would you like to have?' asked he.

I might as well order myself a chicken sandwich, wait is he making it a date? I will just tell him sorry and leave.

'come on don't think too much, it's not like am asking you on a date or anything. At least give me Company, you owe me that much'

hey how did he even know what I was thinking, OK forget it. What if he pays the whole bill trying to prove his manhood?.

'Common don't think too much, we will just split the bill. Now how does that sound?' questioned he.

who are you dude?It's like you have a direct hotline to my brain.

'Now are you gonna say something or you will just stare like that? Asked he.

Come on neetu giving company won't harm anyone anyway and moreover you are hungry too. We are just two complete strangers, I mean how long will this even last.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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