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Our story begins with a girl. There's nothing too remarkable about her at this age, but wait for a while and you'll see how her life changed from normal to almost impossibly difficult, dangerous, and different. Her name, well, her name is Catherine Wright, daughter of Masky and Hoodie. Masky is her father, and Hoodie is her mother. She lived in the Creepypasta mansion for three years, before something happened. But let's get into the story, shall we?

    Cathrine Wright, the precious child of Pasta Mansion, the only daughter of Masky and Hoodie. BEN and Sally were like her older siblings, playing with her and teaching her things. Jeff and Toby helped her get away with things, taking the blame themselves if she did something bad. EJ fixed her up whenever she got injured, which was surprisingly a lot. LJ made her laugh and smile, cheered her up when she was upset. Slenderman was almost like her uncle, watching over her when Masky and Hoodie couldn't.

    Masky was, well, let's just say that he was very strict. He wanted his daughter to be perfect. When she went to school when she was old enough, he wanted her to have the highest grades in class and have a group of friends she could trust. He expected the best from her and nothing else. However, Catherine didn't share her father's views. She wanted to be happy, and knew, even though she was very young, that she would never be able to live up to her father's expectations.

    Hoodie only wanted the best for her, to let her choose her own path. He knew that Masky wanted her to be the perfect child, but knew that Catherine didn't feel the same way. He took her aside and promised that no matter what she did, how good her grades were, or how many friends she had he would still love her the same. He always assured Catherine that Masky was just overconfident in everything, making her feel a lot better.

    But Catherine's life was shattered when she was three. She had had her birthday a few weeks ago when she was walking around outside in rain. She had been outside playing hide and seek with LJ, Jeff, and Toby when it had started raining. She had waited in her hiding spot for about two hours, waiting to be found. After not hearing a sound from the other three, she assumed that they had gone back to the house and left, heading there too. The second she entered the house, she found herself face to face with Masky, who was very upset.

    "What do you think you're doing?! You know you're not supposed to be outside by yourself! Especially when it's storming outside like this!" Masky began.

    "I was playing hide and seek with LJ, Jeff, and Toby. They never found me so I came home," Catherine tried to explain.

    "No! You listen, young lady! You are not to leave this house again until you are ready to go to school!" Masky yelled.

    "Tim, you can't confine a kid to the house like this," Hoodie argued.

    "Yes, I can! I'm her father!"

    Catherine was beginning to fear her father's anger. She saw that if she was to be herself, she'd break his heart and possible get herself killed. She saw him reach into his pocket, where she knew he kept his gun, and fled. She turned on her heel and darted into the storm, not caring about the stinging rain that drove into her eyes. She feared Masky, assuming that he would hit her when he got angry. To spare herself from his wrath, she ran as fast as could, adrenaline driving her. Once she was in the city, she slowed down, head bowed.

    "Lost, sweetie?" a soft voice asked.

    Catherine turned and found a man watching her carefully, standing there and holding an umbrella.

    "No, sir. I'm fine," she answered politely.

    "You're a polite little thing, aren't you?" he commented.

    Catherine smiled and turned back to her path. But then she felt a bright flare of pain in her head and fell to the sidewalk, unconscious.

    And this is where it all starts.

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