Chapter 2: Do You Think You Could Settle For Less Than Perfect?

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Gumballs POV

"Marshall. Do you think you could settle for less than perfect, and love me?" My voice quivered as my confidence quickly diminished when the words left his mouth. "No. I wont settle for less than perfect. Because you aren't less than perfect. You're more than perfect." He whispered, my face becoming a crimson red. My courage enflamed once more and I crashed my lips onto his, those soft, blood red, undead lips bringing me relieve when they started moving with mine. "OH MY GLOB GUYS! PRINCE GUMBALL AND MARSHALL LEE ARE HAVING FACE SEX!!!" Oh Lumpy Space Prince, you perverted bastard. He pulled away, and grabbed my hand. "DRINKS! I COMMAND DRINKS!" LSP shouted. After many, many, many drinks, it was almost sunrise. "C'mon Gums, we gotta go."

Marshall's POV

The vermillion skies got brighter and brighter, signaling the sun would be up in a few minutes. "C'mon Gums, we gotta go." I firmly grasped his hand and led him out of the crowd. A few minutes later, my feet touched the back patio. We stumbled in, well he did, I cant get drunk. "Marshie, I'm tired, but I dont wanna sleep." He rubbed his eyes."You need to sleep." I whispered back. "Fine, but you have to answer this question." he tried to sound manly but failed. "what is it?" I gave in. "Would you fuck me? Like if we werent drunk as hell would you make love to me?" His bold question made me think. "Maybe. If you wanted to, and the moment was right. Then yeah."

We laid in the bed, only in our boxers, his unmade hair splayed across my chest. He had long been unconscious, but sleep evaded me, leaving me thinking. How can a sugary, formal, proper, and perfect prince fall in love with the dark, laid back, musical, and care free king of the nightoshpere? Is it possible?


The bed shifted softly, the sudden removal of his fluffy pink hair made me feel empty all of the sudden. Glob, I've secretly liked his royal highness forever. I opened my eyes, only to see his perfect pink body slip into the bathroom, softly closing the door. I laid in the bed thinking of my little pink prince. Moments later, he walks out, fully clothed and washed. "Ah, good you're awake! Ill go down and make some breakfast." He cheered. His genuine excitement to make me food made me melt a little. I floated behind him down the stairs and into the kitchen. He pulls out the ingredients from the cupboard, and begins to start baking."You know Marshall, I didn't expect you to have all of these ingredients." He admitted. "Me either."

I wrap my arms around his waist and place my chin upon his shoulder and watched as he cooked the pancake batter in the frying pan. He added some red food coloring to the batter making the pancakes a dark pink. He hummed a soft melody as the flip the now hardening pancake.


After an entire gormet breakfast including Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, and Biscuits; we decided to spend the day together.

Gumballs POV

"C'mon Marshall, we mustn't be late!" I called. "Were going for a walk in the orchard, not to a party!" He exclaimed. "Ill start singing again!" I warned. "Coming!!" His voice traveled louder and began to thump as his feet padded quickly down the stairs. My hand gripped his, and we lifted off the ground. Ive always loved flying, it just seems like your above the clouds, sometimes literally, and its like nothing could bring you down. Well, maybe a falling astroid or large bird, but thats not my point. I was however, unusually afraid of becoming a splattered Gumball on the dark grass of the Nightosphere. The image engraved itself in my brain for a moment, until I was able to shake it out, but it just came back. Its like when you're telling yourself to forget something and think of it more. Quite frustrating isn't it? The flight was me left in the labyrinth of my own mind, scraping together what I could on interesting things to talk about. The thing is, me and Marshall have such different personalities that its hard to have a common interest. His arms gripped my sides tighter as we landed, the fresh cut grass soft under my hands. The sun was bright, Marshall had my large umbrella over him, giving the vampire some much needed protection from the harmful rays of sunlight.

"I really like you gummy, you know that, right?" he shyly slid closer to me playing in the grass. "Of course Marshall. Always." I assure him. "I know I tease you and make fun of you and all that, but to me, it was just a way to get closer to you while hiding my feeling. I was never sure of how you felt until the other night. I never expected you to even ask me to go to the party. I actually assumed that you would throw me out of the castle without a second thought." He admitted. "I see why you would think that, but for so long Ive loved you. I guess its a classic tale of ' boy meets boy, both boys fall for each other because they're scared the other one doesn't feel the same and they sacrifice their once strong friendship'. We both laugh. Glob, I love his laugh. I love his smile."So what happens after that?" I question. "Im not sure. Every story is different. Even ours."

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