What if.....you were childhood friends?

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       You've been best friends with Lauren Cimorelli since you were 5.  Both of you have turned 20 years of age this year and you've been in love with her for 5 years. Scared of how she would react, you have been hiding it from her, but after seeing numerous guys hurting her will you finally say something?


"Maa, I'm heading next door for the night." I yell out to the kitchen as I put on my shoes.

"Alright hon, make sure to say hi to Lynn and Lauren." my mom teases me and winks. 

"Mom, seriously...she just needs some comforting." I shake my head and leave, walking towards the Cimorelli house.

      I knock on the door and await for someone to open the door to let me in. As I take out my phone to text Lauren, the door opens and there stood my lov- uh I mean my best friend. Oh who am  I kidding, I love this girl. My eyes look up to meet her gorgeous eyes and her beauty never ceases to take my breath away. I see her laugh and realize she was laughing at me, so I went into the house and poked her sides. 

"Why you laughing hmmm?" I continue to tickle her.

"Cause you still think you have to knock after all these years." she giggles and runs towards the couch to jump onto it. 

" Sorry I'm not like you who climbs through windows." I go onto the couch, sitting next to her. 

"HEY! That was once and I wanted to surprise you on your birthday, I couldn't walk into your house at midnight." she horribly argues back.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, where is everyone" I say looking around. "Where's Dani?" I pout realizing my other best friend wasn't here.

"The boys are out with my dad, at the park I think, Dani is with Emmyn and my mom is out with Katherine. You know with the engagement and all that." she says.

     I nod my head and we decide to watch a movie. Lauren called me over for comforting but I guess she doesn't wanna talk about it. We are in the middle of Murder Mystery on Netflix, when I realized she had tears in her eyes. I grab her hand and silently send her a look asking 'do you wanna talk about it.' That's the special thing about Lauren, we didn't even need to talk to know what the other was saying. We have such a bond, this is why I can't loose her, especially over my dumb feelings.

"Remember Adam?" she whispers out, with tears staining her cheeks. Also...I hate Adam.

"Yeah, the douchebag." I say with a bitter tone. Have I mentioned I hated him? Rage filled inside of me knowing he did something wrong. He's played with Lauren's feelings for so long and he threatened Lauren to make sure her fans didn't know about him. I understand privacy but why threaten this angel.

"He...he cheated on me..I.I sa-saw.." she tries to explain before bawling and I pull her close to me, hugging her  with her head on my shoulder. 

"Shhh, hey its okay. Don't hold back the tears." I softly rub her back as I try to calm her down. "Listen I know you really cared for him and I get that he might've even made you fall for him but you know what. You don't deserve to feel like this." I pull her away for a second, with my hands on her shoulders. "All these guys you've been dating have been treating you like sh*t. I wish you could see that you're worth so much more than these dudes who keep making you cry and you should be with someone who will treat you like the goddess you are."

Lauren sniffles and hiccups with glossy eyes, "You think I'm a goddess?" 

"Of course I do. Have you looked in a mirror Laur?" I hug her with our faces still facing each other. My heart races a little but I shut those thoughts of her lips down, knowing it wasn't time. 

She smiles a little bit and softly speaks as she stares into my eyes, "Yea, but tell me what you see." 

"When I see you, I see a woman who isn't afraid to be who she is. Someone who is so beautiful inside and out. You are so strong Laur, even if you're quiet, I love you for who you are and-" I get interrupted by her lips on mine.

    She pushes me onto the couch and sits on my lap while kissing me hard. All happening too fast for my mind to process, letting my body react first instead. I kiss her back as her hands are in my hair but tasting the salt of her tears, I pull away. I couldn't take advantage of her...I've always wanted this, just not like this.

"Laur, we can't...I can't." I say breathing out hard.

"Why not Y/N? You're right I need someone who's going to treat me right, who sees me as more than just another girl? Don't tell me you don't want this either." she leans in close again but I turn my face regretfully.

"Lauren, you just broke up with this guy. I do want this, god I've been in love with you since we were 15 but.. but I don't want to take advantage of you in this vulnerable state and I don't want to be some rebound."

"Y/N, you've been my best friend for 15 years. When my family moved to Nashville, you managed to move with us. Do you know how crazy that is?! Have you ever thought of how I felt? I've had feelings for you for the past 3 years." she says almost yelling at me.

     My jaw drops, I could've been with the girl of my dreams for 3 years?? "You're kidding me.." she shakes her head no and I grab her hand. "A week. Okay? Give yourself time to get over your relationship first, to know that this is what you really want. If so, I'd love to take you out on a date Lauren Cimorelli." I tell her quietly and kisses her cheek.

     She nods and hugs me before getting off my lap and asks, "You think you can wait another week. " she teases and lays her head on my shoulder as we watch the ending to the movie. 

I waited 5 years, what's one more week?

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