What if...you got jealous?

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You and Lauren have been dating for 6 months, you 18 while Lauren is 19. At this point, you've been going really great and you were even introduced to the cimfam. But what happens when a familiar stranger comes to visit your love?

Request by: @just_me_crazy


    Lauren and I were cuddling on her couch, her face pressed against my neck while I played with her hair. Everything felt so perfect, it took us a while to get to this point. Half a year into our relationship and god I think I love her. I haven't admitted it yet to her but she hasn't either. But that's a problem for maybe later on.

"Hey Y/N, you think you can help us set up the next video." Dani calls out from the kitchen.

"Yeah no problem." I yell back.

Lauren kisses my neck softly, "Shhh too loud."

"I'm sorry hon, why don't we go to your bed and take a nap." I suggest.

"Mmm sure, go up first I need to talk to Dani." Lauren kisses my lips gently and goes to the kitchen.

I head upstairs and lay down in bed while waiting for Lauren. After more than 15 minutes I start to wonder why my love was taking so long. Heading back down stairs, I slowly walk close to the kitchen so I could scare Lauren. However, I started to hear them talk. I knew it was wrong but something wasn't right.

"Have you told Y/N yet?" Dank asks.

"Shhh no not yet, she can't know. She'd be crushed." Lauren sighs sadly.

"The longer you don't tell her, the more she'd be hurt." Dani reasons out.

"Maybe...maybe I'll do it today."

"Well hurry before she finds out."

I was about to run but then there was a knock on the door. They both turn my direction as I went to get it. I opened the door and there stood a guy near the same age as me, who looked strangely familiar.

"How can I help you?" I ask.

"I'm looking for Lauren Cimorelli, who are you??" the dude asks a bit rudely.

"Well I'll have you know I-"

"Jacob, you're here." Lauren comes up behind me.

    I move to the side as this Jacob comes in, hugging Lauren. She seemed to be close to him as they both started talking in the living room. Dani pulls me into the kitchen as Lauren kinda ignores me.

"Hey don't worry, I know she didn't introduce you but it'll be fine." Dani tried to calm me down.

"Yeah I know, I'd just like to know who's the dude." I look down as I hear my love's laughter.

"He's her ex-boyfriend.." she whispers.

"WHAT?! We left Lauren and her ex alone in the living room!"

"Y/N, you don't understand. He was her ex before you."

"How am I supposed to calm down after that. He's the douche who left her."

"She needs closure-"

"Closure? I..I just thought..."

"I know Y/N, I know." Dani tries to comfort me.

"I need to leave." I started to walk out.

    I looked back at Lauren and her ex before I opened the door. She didn't look at me, so I ran out. Running out to my car and quickly getting in, I started sobbing out my eyes. I know who he was, he's the guy that made Lauren cry, left her with a broken heart. I picked up the pieces, I took it slow for her yet he's the one who's in there.
    I drove off to the quiet spot, where me and Lauren had our first date. I got out of my car and went to lay against the tree. Tears painted my cheeks as my eyes were bloodshot red. I sniffle as my phone rings, reading Dani's name calling.

"Ye-yeah?" I answer.

"Lauren's looking for you."

"Why doesn't she just go back to Jacob." I say bitterly.

"Look Y/N you need to stop acting like Lauren doesn't love you cause she does."

"How do you know she loves me?"

"Well, the way she looks at you-"

"You can't give me false hope. I gotta go Dani."

"Wait Y/N-" I hang up.

    I close my eyes as my mind fights itself. He hurt her so badly, left her and broke her heart. I picked up the pieces, I made her happy and gave her my heart. Even after he messed her up, she's there, smiling and laughing. Letting him back in even after all the stuff he pulled on her. My brain was so scrambled, I understood she needed closure. But the way she looked at him and let him in with ease...

"Y/N why did you leave." I hear the most perfect voice ask.

I opened my eyes to see there stood the girl who made everything confusing. "Where's Jacob huh?"

"I made him leave, then I realized you were gone and...I needed you." Lauren sits next to me as she talks.

"I'm glad you only look for me when I'm needed." I say sarcastically.

"That's not what I meant Y/n (nickname)."

"Well that's how I feel. You only ever look my way when you're feel broken. God Laur I've seen you with so many guys and girls who broke your heart ever since we became friends.

"That's no fair"

"Isn't it, you're constantly putting yourself out for people who don't care about you, and the people who do...we've been dating for 6 months and here comes this dude and you give him this look that you've never given me."

    Lauren looks away as tears threaten to cover my face. She grabs my hand and squeezes it. Her face turns at me with tear painted cheeks.

"I told him to leave because he tried to kiss me. H..he told me he missed us." Lauren explains.

"Is this supposed to make me feel better." I let out a soft broken chuckle.

"He gave me closure of why I shouldn't go back to him Y/N. I'm sorry, I know it's not good enough but I'm sorry it took so long to say but.. I love you Y/N, you mean so much to me an..and I know.." Lauren babbles on.

"I love you too." I caresses her cheek and kiss her softly.

      The kiss started soft, hesitant. But the love poured into our kisses as I pull her closer. She nibbles on my lip as she straddles my lap. Growing more passionate and sure I pull away at first.

"I love you to the moon and back, I just want to make you happy." I run my hand through her gorgeous hair.

"You always do, I want you by me...I'm just not sure I'm worth it but I'll try."

"Baby you're worth it. You don't have to anything to earn it." I say while she giggles realizing I was quoting her song.

"You're a dork."

"But I'm your dork."

"Oh shush." She kisses me hard as I hold her close.

    We weren't perfect but I'd do anything for her. She was worth it.

This started as one idea then kinda trailed off, so I'm sorry if it was a bit messy. If you have any suggestions please let me know.

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