maybe love?

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Dippers POV


No, I will not believe it. I am not in love with a demon!!!!

I have been sitting in this room for at least a few days. the walls are bare, other than a few scratch marks. By this point i dont know who made them, it could have been me. the only thing i have heard recently was the loop of "We'll meet again" which has been playing for hours. I have almost memorized it by heart.

One wall of the magical cube slides down, Bill steps in in his human form, and the room sealed again.

"So Pinetree, what do you want to eat? Anything you want! You've been quiet and well behaved for the past 13 hours, so I figured I could give you something nice!" His tone of voice made his offer seem genuine, and his smile doesn't look mischievous. In fact, his perfect white teeth... no, I don't like him! He tried to kill me and everything I love and believe in! But I guess he is pretty good looking, and his maniacal laugh is adora- NO NO NO NO NO!!!

"Umm, I don't really care what I get. I am starving. Any food is fine!" I say, hoping that Bill can't sense the slight panic in my voice.

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