Chapter 10

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"Do you mind coming early tomorrow from school?" My mom asks as she takes up the plates from the table.

I frown "why?"

"Tomorrow your dad is taking me to a friends house, it's far so we leave at nine in the morning, there no one to pick up your brother from kindergarten" she explains.

"So when will you be back?" I ask.

"I'm not sure sweetie I think we might spend a night or two" I hear her yell from the kitchen.

"Well than I rather not go tomorrow"

She comes out of the kitchen to grab the remaining dishes "Why? Are you ok, you do seem a little down" her voice filled with worry.

"Yea I have too much on my plate and plus we have no quiz or anything important tomorrow, everyone is too busy preparing for prom" I explained desperately trying to get out of the situation, I was in no mood to go tomorrow.

"Well I guess you can take the day off and relax but don't forget to pick your brother up, I'm leaving my car for you, your dad and I will leave in the Range Rover tomorrow" she walks in the kitchen with the remaining dishes.

"Well ok thanks and have fun" I quickly run upstairs.

'Not coming tomorrow guys...probably won't come on Friday too' I sent the text to my group.

Shelly: me too, no point since everyone is so into prom.

Ray: u ok Babygirl?

Me: Yep just tired


Ray: I wanna take a holiday so bad but my family is worse than school

Ash: than come over tomorrow ray, I'm home alone ;)

Shelly:guysssss ewwwww go talk in private.

Me: lollll

Ray:you just jealous cuz I'm getting more dick than you bitches ahhaha

Shelly: fuck off

Me: kill me lol

I put my phone down as laid on my newly washed bedsheets, the smell of the lavender detergent made me slip into a deep slumber.



I jump up from my deep sleep, I still half asleep tried looking for the source of the sound soon realizing it was my phone.

I grab it from under my pillow, it was an unknown number.

I press receive and put it next to my ear, I wait for the other person to say something.

"Selene" I hear Shelly on the other end screaming so loud I had to pull the phone away from ears.

"Oh god Shelly who died?" I ask sarcastically.

"You will if you knew what mr.anderson said today" she teases.

I immediately get up in an upright position.

"What?! Shelly spill fast" I rushed.

"Awww aren't we getting to excited" she teases.

I roll my eyes "Shelly please spill unless you want to me to die from curiosity" I beg.

"Ok ok so mr.anderson finally came to class today anddd the first thing he asked was about you"

"What did you say" I ask quickly.

"I told him you weren't feeling well, he looked down for a few seconds like worrying about you or something" she takes a breath "thannn after class he told me to tell you that since he is the prom director, he wanted you to help him out with the prom decorations, invitations music blah blah blah" she continued.

I sat there shocked just yesterday he didn't want to see me now he is asking me to be around him more.

"I don't know what to expect" I say truthfully.

"Listen don't worry about it, he was probably stressing out, that's why he didn't show up, if he acts right I don't see the problem maybe you guys can actually get a chance to talk about stuff clearly" she advised.

"You're right, thanks for calling me otherwise I would've been late to get Mikey" I realized it was almost time to pick him up.

"Well good, I guess see you tomorrow?"

"Yea see you tomorrow, bye" I hang up.


After grabbing my brother from his kindergarten, I decided to have a little fun time and clear my mind.

"How does ice cream sound Mikey?" I look in the review mirror to see his face light up "yes pleaseeeeee" he screams and I laugh at his cuteness.

I pull up to our favorite ice cream parlor next to the park, this park was filled with memories from when I was younger, coming here with my mom and having ice cream from the same shop.

"Can I please get the regular for Mikey and I'll have the sweet ice tea" I say to Miranda, she had been working here for 6 years and was pretty aquatinted with our family.

I get a ring from my mom.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone as me and Mikey take a seat in the shop.

"Hi Selene dear, did you get mike? Why is no one answering the house phone, are you guys out?" My mom replied.

"Oh Yeah we just decided to stop for ice cream"

"Oh really that's nice, I am really missing you guys"

I smile "miss you too mom but have fun don't worry too much about us"

"I will take care of your brother, if you need anything my card is in the closet, oh and if your brother feels too scared let him sleep in your room"

I laugh "ok mom love you bye"

"Love you too dear bye" she hangs up.

As we eat out ice cream I could only think about tomorrow.

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