Chapter 16: More than just a leader!

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Chapter 16: More than just a leader!

Based on Chapter 213 of the Rave Master manga series by Hiro Mashima.

(A/N: Yay! Sort of on time! Still not telling you Hardner's full plan, it's a surprise!!! As for Endless, if you don't know what it is, you'll find out soon enough. Haru will probably explain it or something because I have to introduce Lucia somewhere in this story.)

Last time: This was too much. It was too much for one girl to handle.

-Mia's POV-

"Belnika, let me tell you the rules here: if you go against or even show hesitation towards my orders, I will kill the old man." Hardner smirked, "Got that?" Belnika didn't respond, too busy sniffling and crying. With a grunt and a look of disgust Hardner order Lunar to chop the poor tortured mans legs off.

Everyone, including his own followers, looked at him in shock. "Hold on! Why are you doing this?! I've already said I'll do what you say!" Belnika yelled desperately out, she gave me a quick glance as she panicked. Hardner was in front of her in flash squishing her face been forefinger and thumb.

"Then why didn't you give me some sorta response, huh?" His tone was terrifying and his intense stare made me flinch from my hiding place. Suddenly, he pulled back and boomed with laughter, his actions just as unpredictable as before. Looking around for something- anything really- that I could use to help Belnika I spotted me sword still rested casually against the side of Hardner's chair, I itched to run out and grab it but I fought the urge knowing it wasn't time yet.

I could see Jerry Bourne giving Hardner a resentful glare as he made a joke out of how much Belnika cared for the mans life, suggesting rather perversely that Belnika and Jerry were lovers. The Captain made his way the massive window and looked out over Makai as if he was its ruler, it was tragically-funny how he wanted the exact opposite of power over the land- he wished for nothing other than destruction.

"Look, we've arrived. It's the Altar of Birth!" He said.


Suddenly, glass was flying everywhere. A familiar figure burst through the huge window and landed directly in front of the Blue Gardians leader.

"Yuuma." I gasped quietly.

The big daddy himself had made his grand entrance, as soon as his boots touched the ground he used it as spring the laugh himself and take a swing at Hardner with his axe. Hardner dodged with ease, "Yuuma, long time no see. When was it? 15 years?" He addressed calmly, that was a surprise. It seemed Yuuma and Hardner had history.

"Your madness ends here! I'm gonna stop you!!" Yuuma promised through gritted teeth, rage evident on his face.

"Oh...I see, so you found me out and came flying in rage, huh? Though it doesn't show, your quick wit is as sharp as always." How confident must Hardner be to give his enemy compliments? He even had his back to Yuuma leaving it completely open to attack.

I wasn't the only one bothered by his attitude, "Hey, look over here, dammit!" Yuuma ordered only to be ingnored.

Using the commotion going on around me, I ended slowly but surly towards my beloved weapon. "it's been 15 years since then and we've aged too. Oh how this brings back memories, we were comrades back than. But now we stand as enemies, why did it turn out like this?" Hardner seemed to busy reminding to notice me, but I definitely noticed that his hand had some how into a gun- I assumed it was his DB. The silence captured everyone's throats, no one daring to counter against Hardner's speech.

"Oh, right! I remember now." he said as he whirled round, his gun fired straight at Yuuma. "Because Sophia died!" The captain yelled.

my eyes widen as the bullet sliced through the air towards Yuuma's unaffected face. Suddenly, a sharp clap rang out. Two of the freedom fighters, including one of the leaders with the scarf and scare, had slapped their hand together in front of Yuuma, effectively stopping the bullet dead in the air. I gaped amazed, that should have been impossible and it must have hurt but their faces didn't even flinch, they simply wore a look of cold determination.

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