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harrystyles, madonna, lizgillies and 15,829,822 others like this.

arianagrande: hi it's me, i know i haven't posted for a month but as you can see, there's a lot going on. please listen to harry's new album. it's raw and beautiful. i hope it clears up some things. i know y'all confused. we are too. i love you guys.

username: FINALLY
username: holy fuck i wasn't prepared
harrystyles: thank you love.
arianagrande: @harrystyles i love you sm. you make me the happiest ever.
username: IM SO EXCITED
username: this is so beautiful i love my life
username: im confused but also happy as fuck
username: this album though? i'm crying in the club
username: is meet me at the hallway ab you
arianagrande: @username yes along w woman and only angel 🖤 the whole album is ab me basically lol.
username: u tellin us you're having his baby or
arianagrande: @username i wish. not yet tho

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