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arianagrande, petedavidson, asaprocky and 3,279,900 others like this.

harrystyles: My girl just dropped a single with @cashmerecat called „Adore" (fun fact, it's about me). Make sure to listen to it ;) x

tagged arianagrande, cashmerecat

username: can we just talk about how she sings „don't pretend you're just a friend" and „you got me screaming" which means they were fucking way before they got in a relationship. keep that in mind. thanks for coming to my ted talk.
username: OOOOF we love a boyfriend harry
username: he's so supportive, how can you hate them
username: Her voice though? It's so good
username: so they were lying to us? fucking n being „friends" to the public?
username: some of y'all never had a fuck friend before and it shows
username: y'all just stfu and enjoy the song
username: she's so pretty why is nobody talking about this
username: #teampetedavidson
username: ^ girl what

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