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So, in my opinion, every person has a secret hide out spot which is generally used for escaping the reality. I mean, yes for real, no pun intended. Well, mine is the seashore.

Whenever it feels that the world is too fucked up, I plan an escape and shut all the negativity from coming into my mind. Not to forget that seashores at night are a bliss...

Ahem ahem, coming back to the plot. Although it is always good to enjoy the silence, but this time, things were going to change forever.

There was this day when I felt the presence of somebody else in my secret hide out location. Seriously? I haven't seen anybody here since ages.

At first it felt spooky but zooming the 256 megapixel lenses, yes I know they are popularly known as eyes, I saw a boy sitting at some distance.

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