New beginning

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A girl dreams about a bad boy, who is gentle only for her.

A boy wants a good girl, who is naughty only for him.

Author's note:

The story is set when Harry is 6 years old and it's very AU. After Voldemort got banished, there were long years of trials over Death Eaters and Snape did end up in Azkaban. Now Dumbledore gets him out and forces a teaching position onto him, which Severus absolutely doesn't want, but has little choice in the matter. Meanwhile, the teacher in muggle school Harry attends notices the boy is malnourished, doesn't see well and has occasional bruises on the upper arms and neck. Dumbledore tasks Snape with checking on the kid.

Snape will be OOC. Or rather Snape will be BHBTC - Before He Became The Character. He is slightly younger than in canon - only 25 years old, hot, handsome and naturally dominant (I don't own the cover, I just drool on the pic^^). But also, inexperienced and kinda clueless;) with no experience with children or teaching and very little experience with women and love life. Toughened up by prison, but not the grumpy greasy git we know just yet.

The story will be a mix of Severitus (Snape adopts Harry story, imho there is never enough of those, hehe) and Teacher/Student romance with adult themes, eventually with elements of D/s and some discipline themes, perhaps light BDSM. (Nothing heavy or too smutty, but the M rating is there for a reason^^) NO SLASH - at least not on the main pairing.

Also warning for parental CP. It will probably be rather mild given Harry's age, but still, if you are not OK with that, It's probably not a story for you.

I have no idea whether mixing these two "genres" will work out, but I guess we will soon find out.


Severus was sitting on the bench examining his fingernails with a bored expression on his face. He couldn't think of any more pointless way to spend his morning, and yet he forced himself to remain sitting and wait patiently for Dursleys to return home. One of the reasons Dumbledore got him out of Azkaban was to check on Potter because Snape was acquainted with Petunia. Which made no sense to Severus. Dumbledore was the one to place Potter with that family, so Dumbledore should be the one checking on the brat.

Snape had no pleasant memories of Petunia, and he had no doubt, that she was not fond of him either. He hardly wanted to confront the woman for supposedly mistreating her nephew, just because some muggle teacher was overly softhearted. If the boy couldn't see properly, he should have told so and not wait for somebody to magically figure his problems for him. It's likely that the only reason he was not provided with glasses till now, was because he needed an excuse to slack off in school. Muggle teachers were apparently blind to such acts of deceitful manipulative behavior from children.

Snape groaned at the thought of teaching. That was the main reason Albus got him out of Azkaban. The man was probably getting senile if he thought that Severus was a teacher material. Snape hated children. Ok, perhaps hate is a strong word - Snape disliked children. But like really! The company of little running screaming disrespectful banshies was not high on Snape's list of ideal working conditions. He liked peace and quiet, working with adults. Preferably smart adults. Not that Voldemort only had intelligent people around him, but most were very capable wizards. And those that weren't smart nor powerful were easily manipulated. But children? He was already hating first-years when he was still a student at Hogwarts. And his annoyance with the little buggers only grew with years.

Slughorn was not even that old. Dumbledore probably got rid of him, so that he had another excuse to pressure ministry to let Snape out on parole. Well, Hogwarts did beat Azkaban... but... duh. Severus Snape - Hogwarts Professor. Laughable. I will go nuts within the first month probably. Or end up back in Azkaban, cause I will kill some retarded urchin, who can't tell the difference between bezoar and borage. And to be thrown into the school year several weeks after the start and with no time for proper preparation? Albus was simply sadistic. At least he talked him out of making Severus the Head of the House. Snape had to promise him, however, that he will help with those duties.

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