Chapter 5

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They took turns driving Jayden's Hyundai, and by unspoken agreement the passenger got to choose
the tunes and the driver got to mock their choice. The car was in good shape, but neither of them
wanted to risk getting pulled over, so they didn't attempt to shave time off by edging close to the
speed limit.

Tony started to pull out his wallet when Jayden stopped for the first gas fill up, but Jayden shook his
head. "Put that away, Tony. I don't take money from my bros."

Tony blinked. He couldn't remember a single time one of the Avengers had offered to so much as
buy him a cup of coffee. He put his wallet away slowly. "Thanks, Jayden. How about I get the
snacks? We need road trip food."

Jayden nodded as he stopped the car. "No ice cream, or powdered sugar stuff. Or cheese pockets."
He got out and went around to take off the gas cap while Tony was getting out on the other side.

Tony grinned. "Got it, nothing messy." He rummaged the shelves and racks before emerging with
Slim Jims, Cow Tales, Funyuns, and chocolate covered peanuts. The hunt brought back memories of
college road trips with Rhodey.

"You are a good provider, man," Jayden said around a mouthful of Slim Jim as he sat back and Tony
took the wheel.

They had started at dawn to make the best use of the light, but it was still dark by the time the
Hyundai coasted to a stop outside a small two story house like so many others they'd passed, the
white vinyl siding chipped and broken in places, but overall in respectable condition. There was a
porch light on, and several other lights were visible from the ground floor.

Tony sat there and looked at the house. "I should have called first. It's been years." Just being here
was bringing back both good and bad memories. He hadn't had a panic attack in a while. He was
probably due for one. "That's rude, isn't it?"

Jayden nudged Tony with his elbow. "Go ring the bell. I'll wait here. And if it doesn't work out, you
give me a call. I'm going to visit my grandma in Mobile, but she won't mind if I bring a friend. She
loves to show off her cooking."

Tony nodded. He turned to Jayden and held out his hand. "Thanks. You're a lifesaver."

Jayden took his hand and pulled Tony close for a hug. "I'm glad I met you. You take care of
yourself, now." He let Tony go.

Tony got out of the car. He went up to the door and rang the bell. The door swung open so fast Tony
almost fell in. Harley stood there; he was taller than Tony and his hair had darkened, but his grin was
exactly the same. "Wow," Harley said, "you look like shit! Come in and have a tuna sandwich!"

"I just need to use some of the stuff in your shop, and then I'll be out of your hair."

"Hell, no!" Harley said.

"HARLEY!" came a woman's voice. "Language!"

Tony flinched, but then he straightened when a blonde woman came up next to Harley and rumpled
his hair. "Where's your manners, young man? Go clean up the guest room." She reached out to touch
Tony's arm, lightly. "My name's Holly. Come in and make yourself to home."

"I just... I could stay in the workshop. I'll only be a few days." This really felt wrong. He hadn't
thought about it. He could be bringing disaster to Harley's family. "There might be trouble."

"Wipe your feet. Have you had a long drive? Would you like to freshen up?" Holly looked into
Tony's eyes and he could see clear determination and absolutely no fucks given. Holly was
apparently Pepper's soul-sister.

He gave in. "Yes, please, thank you, Holly." Tony turned to give Jayden a thumbs up.

Jayden leaned out of the window and yelled, "Illegitimis non Carborundum!" before he drove away.

"That sounded rude," Holly commented mildly. She smiled at Tony.

Peachy KeenWhere stories live. Discover now