Chapter 18

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After making all the arrangements, Tony realized he was totally not going to be able to concentrate
on anything until Jayden arrived. To the trip time he had to add time for H.R. to open the next day
and time for Jayden go through a normal interview, and then Pepper was going to want to talk to
him, not just hand over the samples, and quite likely Rhodey would stick in his oar, and if Happy
was there he'd probably want to check over Jayden's ID and car and so, you know, it was going to
be a lot longer than twelve hours. Tony refused to be that guy who nags and makes it sound like he
doesn't trust you to do your best, so Tony was absolutely not going to call Jayden... and yes, Tony
was rambling in his own mind

He distracted himself by fixing a lot of small appliances and sadly abused laptop computers and one
horrifically beat up blue jeep whose license plate showed it had managed to get here from California,
somehow. Tripod hissed at the jeep until Tony noticed that it had a lot of dog hair stuck in it, and
vacuumed it.

Eventually it was too dark to work outside, and most of the inside jobs were either completed, or
needed parts he didn't have, so Tony washed up and went into the house. A post-it note with a cat
face drawn on it (and a word balloon- Eat Meeeow) was stuck to the microwave door. A covered
plate of leftovers was inside. He checked the contents: cut up hotdogs in B&W canned beans, with a
handful of Tater Tots on the side. He vented the plastic and heated the food. The Keeners weren't
gourmets, but really, neither was Tony.

He ate, washed up his plate and cutlery and his glass of water, put them in the dish drainer and went
up to bed. He changed into pajamas, shut off the light and got under the covers. A few moments later
he heard a soft, thump.... thump... thump... and put out a hand to pat the bed next to him.

Tony yawned. "Want the leg off?"

Tripod mrrped and nudged Tony with his nose. Tony reached out without looking, felt alongside
Tripod's warm fur until he encountered cool metal, and then pressed the sequence that caused the
magnetic bond between leg and the vet installed implant to release. He put the leg on the nightstand
and fell asleep with Tripod's raspy tongue washing Tony's arm.

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