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The Athany Castle

Athany Castle was a large, ancient-looking city surrounded by crenelated walls. The Forest of the Living Dead bordered the castle to the southwest, becoming more mountainous the further west and north you traveled. Around the northeastern side of the castle, Plato Forest extended all the way to the town of Castleville. Near the lands bordering the southeastern walls, a fast-flowing river sped past, creating a ravine from years of erosion. Mist screened the entrances to caves at the bottom of the ravine. The caves led into a labyrinth of passages, but Starr confidently led June to a hidden entrance and from there to the sleeping chambers of the Athany Judges. Starr walked with the stride of one who knew each step, each rock, with June following more cautiously, ensuring she only stepped where Starr would leave a footprint. The land felt magical to June: the forest, river and air combined to breathe life into her. Added to all of this, Light, the giant chameleon-wolf and loyal four-legged buddy, walked next to Starr, as calm as if he had lived there his entire life.

The castle resembled a fortress and only the Judges and the apprentices got the privilege of stepping into the lower levels. None of the King's Guard, whether they were generals, commanders, captains, or lesser ranks assigned to the castle, could enter the lower levels. They were all prohibited from entering the sleeping chambers of the Judges by an invisible blessing of protection. Every King's Guard who tried to enter would be rendered unconscious the moment they crossed the door to the lower levels. The ancient blessing of protection safeguarded the sleeping quarters.

Lady Starr took June through the lower caves to the Judges' sleeping chambers. She took June to the Chamber of the Blue. On the way to the chamber, Starr introduced June to the staff allowed to know of June's presence. First, there was Carmen, a healer apprentice, and second was Shasso, a botanist pre-apprentice. These two were cleared to have contact with June. After all, the two of them had helped guard June's metamorphosis.

The Chamber of the Blue was a beautifully decorated bedroom. It had no windows as it was underground, but a soft light came from the edges of the walls. The walls appeared to have rounded corners, created by the roots of the Blue Trees that crept down and covered the inside of the caves. The roots would emit light whenever June touched them. The walls seemed to naturally flow around the space they enclosed; there were no sharp edges. A faint and soft scent of lavender and spices permeated the room as the light flickered, making the room feel peaceful. The bed crowned the room with its majestic pillars and coverings the color of pearls, and a cerulean wave surrounded the edges.

The room had no apparent fireplace, but the temperature felt heavenly—a coolness that made sleep easy. The bedroom opened up to a second room; once June turned and entered, a relaxing bathroom was revealed. By the bathroom's entrance, just to the left, was an elongated sink over a wooden chest with carvings of birds that looked like swans. To the right of the door, June saw a table and a very long sofa with blue cushions. There was a large pool on the far right which served as a tub. The pool had steamy hot water that beckoned June's attention. A bathing room and a perfect place to rest. The wall opposite the sink had a long indentation that came up three feet off the ground. The indentation had beautiful green and yellow rock-looking tiles. But June could not see a toilet.

"My lady, may I come in?" asked Carmen.

Carmen was tall and lanky, and only eighteen years old. She was a brainy young woman and already a powerful Healer-Magi. June soon came to realize however, that Carmen could never stop talking—a true chatty Cathy.

"Yes, sure, come in. Ha, hum. Carmen, could you tell me where the commode is?"

"My lady, in this basket, you will find soaps to help you get the blue sap off your skin. I have brought some lotions as well. You can find several towels and linens for you to dry yourself, and these are tunics for after your bath, and a robe if you prefer. We have ordered your food."

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