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only time could tell how long this one sided relationship would last. hopefully ashton would finally see the light and realise that whatever hope he had in a proper relationship, was never real. it was like a dream world that would never exist. annabelle would never love him in the way that she loved her, it was just how it was meant to be.

annabelle and ashton were sitting alone together hand in hand on a picnic blanket and for once annabelle actually looked content. ashton had his hopes up but actually it was far too high because her next words would ruin it.

"do you know they should have human as meat instead of chicken, lamb and pork?"

ashton raised an eyebrow and slowly questioned this absurd idea, "w-why do you say that my love?"

annabelle looks away from ashton and pulls her hand out of his, onto her own lap and fiddles with her fingers, looking around for another life form. there was none because ashton had picked such a secluded park that wouldn't interrupt their 'romantic' time together with her craziness.

she furrowed her perfectly shaped eyebrows at looked at her innocent boyfriend, intensely, "you would do anything for me, wouldn't you?"

ashton sighed, "yes."

she smirks, an evil smirk that ashton had been praying that wouldn't occur on her beautiful face. why did her inner self have to be like this when her outer self was so breathtaking? if you looked at her you wouldn't think that she was as insane at all. not even the slightest bit insane!

"good. see you're a good boy, you always listen to me. no one understands me like you do. it's like the whole world is against me, then there's you. you make me feel special and loved and all these different emotions that i well... hate." hate? ashton thought that he had heard that wrong but he didn't. at all.

"i just feel like you shouldn't be that odd pea that thought i was normal and likeable. i know what i'm like, i know that i'm no good. i don't know why you won't leave me. tell me why you haven't left me?" ashton thought this was a trick questions but minutes went by and she stared at him waiting for a response. his mouth dried almost as he couldn't find anything to say in response.

"i um, well. i don't know. i love yo-"

-"loVE?! HA. NO YOU CANT LOVE ME. YOU CAN'T EVER LOVE ME DONT EVER SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN." she suddenly screamed and it was a damn good thing there was nobody around to see them both as she lunged straight at his throat and he toppled backwards startled at this reaction.

she squeezed and squeezed until her demons left her mind and after she had done she stood up breathlessly to examine her work.

angel with a shotgun [AU AI] ⅡWhere stories live. Discover now