Chapter 13: Lost

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This chapter is dedicated to:
(I have you to thank for coming back to this project if I'm completely honest) Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy!

"I remember," you gasped.

Newt stared as her (y/e/c) eyes widened and she stared at something beyond the Glade.
"What, Fig?" He asked, hands clenching the bars in hope, or in anticipation, he did not know.
She seemed to be processing something invaluable, because even when he spoke, her eyes did not move. Though, he noted, that her throat bobbed, her hands shook, and her eyes shone, he was weary to assume it was new tears, however. A minuet passed, that felt like an eternity, and Newt tried again.
"Fig. What do you remember?" He said with a little bit more urgency, though he tried to keep his voice low. She came out of it suddenly, her head snapping to look at him, her wild (h/t) (h/c) hair falling along her shoulders in clumps of rats nests. She was breathing heavily, as though she had just ran a mile and could hardly control her heartbeat.
She blinked, and the wild look in her eyes dissapeared and her whole demeanor relaxed. It was like watching someone wake from a nightmare thinking they were in danger and then slowly realize that it was just a dream. Though, he had a feeling that what she had just remembered was not anything as trivial as a nightmare. It was more. He could see it in her eyes, as much as she fought to hide it with solid gaze and next words.
"What? Oh. It's nothing, just remembered a song from before the Maze."
She grinned and he had the sick realization that she smiled through everything since she got here, every pain and every sadness.
The thought made fury knot his core and he wanted to cry out, or tear down the walls that caged them, but he kept his composure. His eyes narrowed as he watched her hide her shaking hands behind her back.

"Don't lie to me." He said, voice nothing more than a coarse whisper. He watched her stiffen, then sigh. She dropped her hands at her sides, which were still shaking. He desperatly wanted to reach out hold them to calm her. She pursed her lips, then let out another shaky sigh that made his heart clench. A long moment passed. She didn't say anything, but he sensed that she would.

"Newt," she began seriously, " I. . .I saw something." She admitted, shyly bringing her eyes to his and Newt stared. He didn't expect her to actually tell him. He pressed closer to the bars. Another long moment passed as she stared at the blanket of grass and the crickets took place of her lyrical voice.

"What do you remember?"
He finally pressed, trying not to sound desperate for answers. Maybe she found a way out of this klunkhole.
She squirmed under his eyes, never meeting them as she thought about her next words.

"That," she paused. "That's just it. It's gone now." Her voice was hardly audible over the soft rustle of wind and crickets. Newt could not tell if she was lying or not, he had only just now realized that most of her smiles had been faked and she knew more than she let on. His shoulders sagged as he realized that even if she did remember something she wouldn't tell him and it certainly wasn't his place to ask. It stung a bit that she didn't trust him, though.

"Right." He growled, clenching his fists. He shook his head, taking on his serious tone that ended most conversations.
"Well, you should get some sleep, you've got a big day ahead of you."
He watched her frown, but turned all the same, not wanting to talk anymore. Partially due to the fact that he was afraid she would be able to see the pain lurking behind his eyes, and partially due to the fact that he wanted to think over everything they had said.
Maybe she really doesn't remember. Maybe she trusts you enough to tell the truth. . .

He heard her shuffle behind him and nearly jumped out of his skin when a warm, blistered, hand clamped over his from the cage.
He turned, shocked, to look down at her hand that rested above his own. He couldn't help but stare, her hand was dainty, like it was meant for a paintbrush. Small and delicate. It even looked as though it were painted. Blue's, russets, yellows, angry reds and violets that coloured her whole hand and a oarnge burn scar that led up to her arm. There still seemed to be some blood that had yet to drie along her knuckles.
The burns and bruises covered up any skin there might have been, like she had forgotten to wipe off the paint, and it had dried a mess of colour on her body.
Her painted hands looked out of place on his muddy, pale hands. With his long, thick fingers, and dirty fingernails. He could imagine her cringing at the sweat that laced his fingers. He could imagine her pulling her hand away, disgusted at the blood that hung just beneath the surface of his skin. Greiver blood.

"Newt," she whispered and he turned, taking his eyes off of the painted hand that sent warm shivers down his spine to his core. The paint, it seemed, traveled to her face as well. He almost reached out and touched her yellow and blue cheek, and the red burn at her lip, and the rest of her mauled body. He wanted to maul Cyrus as much ashe had mauled her. What am I thinking?

"Thank you." She said, her hand squeezing his, her eyes sad. It must have been agony with her burning hands, but the only proof of pain was a imperceptible wince that she melded into a smile. She stepped back, and the warmth of her hand disappeared with it. He bit his lip.

"Fig," he said as she turned, and she froze. He turned fully, wishing he had something better to say.

"I'll be right here all night. " He said, and mentally slapped himself. He meant that he would be on post, and would protect her, but he knew better than to dig a deeper hole.
"Er, goodnight." He finished awkwardly before turning away. He had never really spoken with girls that he could remember, but he knew he was very poor at it now. Very poor. He could practically hear the smirk on her face as she replied.

"Sweet dreams, Newtie." She uttered before he heard her plop into her bed. He grinned as he heard the melody of her breath.

"Dream well, love." He uttered, a twinge pulling at his mind that he ignored as he watched the stars above him. Strange, he thought, how stars are for forever and people fade. How stars have their place in the universe, and we, the inferior, are lost in their twinking eyes. . .

Heyo! Author here! It's been awhile! I'm baaaaaaaack! I know this was a really short chapter, but. . . Meh. I actually had this whole chapter finished but then it all got deleted and you're stuck with it. Anyways! I love you all and I hope you enjoyed! I have a mostly plan set up for this, so yeah, I hope to get thet published soon, anyways: ✌

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