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Japan POV

After my phone call with America-San, I started to think what will happen to me if Russia found out I was talking to him. I wanted to tell him about what Russia did but sadly I couldn't. Hai (yes) Russia did threaten me and South Korea yesterday when I was done seeing my boss.

Flashback to Yesterday

After seeing my boss, I was at the one of the cat cafe's with Greece-San in Tokyo. That's when my phone rang. I look at it, the caller ID said 'Unknown' so I answered it.

"Kon'nichiwa who is this?"

"Hello Japan, this is Russia speaking da" he said in a creepy dark voice. I was getting a little creep out by it.

"Is there anything you need?"

"Da, I want you and South Korea to stay away from America or else."

"Or else what?"

"I'll make your life a living hell because he's mine and only mine" he darken his voice which that scared me more as he continued, "Don't look at him, don't smell him, and don't even talk to him at all."

Why in the world I would smell him that's just weird except the other day he did had a strawberry scent on him. Normally he doesn't. Probably he had a strawberry smelling shampoo or had strawberry soap.

"How would you make my life a living hell Russia-San?"

"Oh you see Japan you see someday" he laugh darkly in the phone and hung up leaving me afraid of my life would be now.


I heard a soft meow from one of the cats. I look down and saw a grey cat coming on my lap. I stroke it's smooth fur with my hand shaking in fear of Russia-San.

"S-S-Such a p-pr-pret-ty k-k-kitty" I said shakily to the cat as it purrs to my touch.

I couldn't help thinking what would Russia-San do to me if I go near America-San. Probably hit me with his pipe or start a war against me which that'll be a huge disaster for the world just to have America-San to himself.

"Are you okay Kiku?" I heard Greece-San ask as he notice me shaking and continued to pet the cats.

"Hai I'm fine" I replied.

"You sure? Sound like Ivan scared you since I heard you talking to him."

I nodded in response as I took a sip of Japanese tea hoping to calm myself. We played with cats and petting them.

In reality, I'm not okay.

End of yesterday flashback

I got a text from South Korea that said,

South Korea: What will do about Russia, should we tell him da-ze?!
Me: We will have to stay silence. We have no choice. Russia-San probably threaten other nations too. I'm sure America-San will find out about this on his own. Just be brave and stay strong.
South Korea: Yeah your right, America wouldn't let Russia do that to us. Such a insane crush Russia got on America. He's crazier than his younger sister. Gotta go I'm going to hang out with North now da-ze. annyeong (goodbye)
Me: Sayōnara (goodbye)

After that I thought to myself, 'I do hope America-San will be okay and find out.'

Be safe my good friend.

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