I ran

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I ran. I had no clue what I was doing but that didn't matter, I needed to get away. Get away from what I hear you ask? Life, annoying siblings, bad cooking, oh and an arranged marriage. So yeah I ran. No way am I getting married to a man. No. Way. I'm too gay for that.

I started running down the countryside road, the edges of it cracked and covered with overgrown grass, no one drove by. Well, I don't know what I expected, I'm not a fast runner, it was the middle of the night, I hate the cold so I had no idea what I was going to do. Still, my feet plodded on, I had stopped running almost as soon as I had started. my feet ached, too much running. 

the road felt uncomfortable underneath my shoes, oh of course I didn't pick trainers to wear. I'm regretting this already. The wind blew my long dark brown into my face, around my face, just everywhere. This is not very helpful wind! Can't you be considerate of my feelings WIND! huh, Wind! why do you have to be like that wind! Obviously, the wind wasn't going to stop being mean so I decided that I was going to cut my hair short when I got to a town and dye it pink, bright pink! I can just see me now, short bright pink hair in a bob, wearing shorts and crop top and a cute girlfriend hanging out in all the cool spots, drinking pink lemonade being a cool kid! I can finally be me!


A car zoomed past me, its bright lights blinding me and causing me to fall into wet, thorny bushes. my bag sort of cushioned my landing but it really didn't. I'm in pain now! WHY LIFE WHY!! I sat there, thinking where did my life go wrong as thorny branches scratched my legs.

It might have been when I was born... yeah no. me being born was the best thing that ever happened to this world. 

It could have been the day my family's business blew up (blew up as in popular, it did not blow up) and they became rich and posh.. ugh. Starting worrying about there image and become "devout" Christians. Devout as in following everything except love your neighbor or anything that didn't suit them or most of society.

Maybe the day I decided to come out to my family because this loving family was going to support me. I wish I never did that. I wouldn't be where I am now not being forced to get married to hide my sexuality. 

I suddenly realized how cold I was. It was freezing. SO COLD. IM GOING TO DIE. HELP. maybe getting married to this mystery guy wasn't so bad... at least I'll be warm. I imagen me getting married to a boy...

yeah no

no boys for me, id rather die.

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