So I got caught

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Well done me! I got caught! woo! fun! time to die.

I sat in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection. my reflection was crying, so was i. I am my reflection. The periwinkle blue flower covered my prison walls, and the butterflies mocked me from their frames. beams of sunlight passed through the windows falling on the floor and lighting my room up. if this wasn't my wedding I would say this was a good day. My hair was a mess, its brown locks tangled up refusing the sit nicely, my face was also a mess, id been crying the whole time I've been here so that was to be expected. 

ugh well, at least this chair is comfy.

My "friends" (friends as in the people chosen by parents to watch over me and be a "good influence") will be here soon to help me get ready. I got up out of my chair and looked out the window. A bright green lawn stretches out where the wedding was being set up, framed by bright pink and purple flowers. there were rows upon rows of chairs, we must have a load of guests. I guess this family I'm getting married into must be popular. I might be able to find a cute girl to kiss behind my future husbands back. 

why do I have to get married, I'm like 18 I want to make my own decisions. marry who I want. escape from this family. cut my hair. be allowed to show skin and not have to cover every inch of my body so I'm decent. this is going to be absolute hell.

I could escape but that would be effort. but so would marring this random dude. I move away from the window and lay down on the lavender covered bed.

I need to escape.

I don't know how I'll do it but I'm going to.

I could go through the hole in the wall like I did last time but I'm pretty sure that they'll be keeping an eye on that now. so maybe I steal a car, ram through the gate steal some money before I leave and drive to the nearest town. not the safest plan, nor the easiest. but I cannot be bothered to think of another. 

Ok well I can be, but I can't think of any more.

i hear three knocks on the door. Oh God. im going to have to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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